Incorporation by Reference Petition Out For Comment Now

The Office of the Federal Register is currently taking comments on a petition to amend its regulations governing the approval of agency requests to incorporate by reference in federal regulations. See 77 Fed. Reg. 11414 (Feb. 27, 2012). At issue … Read more

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Conference passes eRulemaking Recommendation at 54th Plenary

The full Conference of the Administrative Conference of the United States today passed an eRulemaking Recommendation with amendments. Among other issues, the recommendation, “Legal Considerations in e-Rulemaking,” provides guidance to agencies on a variety of legal issues associated with eRulemaking, to include … Read more

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New on IdeaScale: Creating a mobile version of

Please visit and add to the conversation: “ is only configured for desktops and laptops; the screen is not smartphone friendly. A mobile-friendly site would lower participation barriers for those that would use the site while communiting on buses … Read more

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