Model Agency Initiative

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The Model Agency Initiative utilizes all of the resources and expertise of the Conference to help agencies become model 21st century agencies driven by innovation and the adoption of best practices.

We believe the Conference is uniquely situated to gather and promote best administrative and operational practices government wide.

The project has three primary components

1.  A dedicated, interactive website to showcase ideas from the government and provide a forum for the public and private sectors to collaborate in identifying and developing solutions.  The website also serves as a central location for government best practices.

2. The conference also surveys agencies, asking them to identify an area of strength they believe could serve as a model for other government agencies, as well as programs or practices at other agencies that they wish they could replicate in their own agency. An annual award for the most innovative agency best practice is given at each December plenary session. The award is named after the late Walter Gellhorn—administrative law scholar, and member of the Conference’s Council from its beginning in 1968 until his death in 1995.

  • Administrative Conference Model Agency Best Practices Survey:  Please submit to us your best practices by clicking on the link above.  You may submit more than one best practice, and you may nominate best practices from other agencies as well. Please use one form for each best practice submitted.

3. The Conference conducts in-depth studies of selected new or newly restructured agencies to identify lessons learned on important issues such as staffing, regulatory process, technology and collaboration.

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