Model Agency Best Practices Submission Form

The goal of the Model Agency Initiative is to identify and share best practices and to provide an innovation toolbox for model 21st century agencies.

The Walter Gellhorn Innovation Award is designed to recognize the federal agency with the best model practice that can be adopted government-wide.

Describe and submit your best practices below.  Submissions are due no later than October 1, 2012.

Note:  You may submit more than one best practice, and you may nominate best practices from other agencies as well.  Please use one form per best practice submitted.  Be sure to provide sufficient detail in your responses to ensure that your submission receives full consideration.

1. Do you have an established best practice that has accomplished any or all of the following things:

2. Is your best practice innovative?

3. Can the best practices you identify be adopted by other government agencies, or be made scalable to work for smaller or larger agencies?

4. Can results/improvement be documented?

5. Please identify a point of contact who is knowledgeable about the best practice, and can address any questions we may have.

Point of Contact Name (required)

Point of Contact Email (required)

6. If you recommend other agencies' best practices, let us know, and we will specifically solicit information from those agencies.

Agency Name (required)

Agency Point of Contact Name

Agency Point of Contact Email

Agency Best Practice Topic

Briefly describe the Agency's Best Practice.

We urge you to share this form with your colleagues. This project can be highly successful, but it cannot work without your input. The submissions will be judged by a panel of esteemed professionals who are experts in the area of government reform and procedure. Even if your agency does not win the award, most best practice submissions will be featured on our website as success stories and can be renominated in subsequent years.

Questions may be directed to Shawne McGibbon, Thanks for taking the time to share your ideas and complete the form. Good luck!

To submit your survey, please complete the fields below:

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Verification Image (please type the code in the field below)

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