Committee on Collaborative Governance

The Committee on Collaborative Governance is concerned with collaborative techniques that agencies use to implement their programs. This area includes activities that build on the Conference’s extensive history of developing consensual processes such as negotiated rulemaking and alternative means of dispute resolution, as well as appropriate use of new communications media in federal programs.

Current Projects

The Committee on Collaborative Governance is currently considering the following projects.  For information on project meeting dates and times, please visit the Committee Meetings Page or click on the respective project page below:

  • The Federal Executive Establishment: This project will examine the agencies and other organizational entities of the federal executive establishment, including independent agencies.  It will catalogue a comprehensive set of characteristics for each entity, which will serve as a resource for legislators, the judiciary, agencies and others interested in government and public administration. For more information, please visit the Federal Executive Establishment Project Page.
  • Third-Party Inspections and Certification: This project will consider ways that agencies have used privately funded third parties to conduct inspections, verify compliance with regulatory requirements, or meet other standards. For more information, please visit the Third-Party Inspections and Certification Project Page.
  • Methods of Collaborative Governance:  This project, not yet underway, will consider the use of collaborative governance in the federal government and examine the circumstances under which it works best, including the use of technological and other tools.  For more information, please visit the Methods of Collaborative Governance Project Page.

Completed Projects

The following project has led to adopted Conference recommendation.

Committee Members

Miriam M. Nisbet

Committee Chair, Government Member

Office of Government Information Services, National Archives
and Records Administration

Allison Beck

Liaison Representative

Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service

Daniel Cohen

Government Member

Department of Energy

Mariano- Florentino Cuéllar

Council Member

Stanford Law School

Daniel R. Elliott

Government Member

Surface Transportation Board

Jody Freeman

Public Member

Harvard Law School

Remington A. Gregg

Government Member

Office of Science and Technology Policy

Brian C. Griffin

Senior Fellow

Clean Energy Systems, Inc.

Will A. Gunn

Government Member

Department of Veterans Affairs

Philip J. Harter

Public Member

Vermont Law School

Michael E. Herz

Public Member

Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law

John M. Kamensky

Public Member

IBM Center for the Business of Government

Simon Lazarus

Public Member

National Senior Citizens Law Center

Sean Lev

Government Member

Federal Communications Commission

Katie L. Nash

Liaison Representative

Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Beth Noveck

Public Member

New York Law School

Nina Olson

Government Member

Office of the National Taxpayer Advocate, Internal Revenue

Suzanne Orenstein

Liaison Representative

Udall Foundation/ US Institute for Environmental Dispute Resolution

Patrick Patterson

Government Member

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Sallyanne Payton

Senior Fellow

University of Michigan Law School

Alasdair S. Roberts

Public Member

Suffolk University Law School

Christopher H. Schroeder

Government Member

Department of Justice

Edward L. Weidenfeld

Senior Fellow

The Weidenfeld Law Firm, P.C

Marian Zobler

Government Member

Nuclear Regulatory Commission


Committee Chair
Miriam M. Nisbet 

National Archives and Records Administration

Staff Counsel
David M. Pritzker
202 . 480 . 2093


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