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Table 1-36M: Roadway Vehicle-Kilometers Traveled (VKT) and VKT per Lane-Kilometers by Functional Classa

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  1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 (R) 2009 2010
Urban VKT, total (millions) 1,376,416 1,680,313 2,052,693 2,073,635 2,193,623 2,268,647 2,332,337 2,397,173 2,452,457 2,499,240 2,567,901 2,619,397 2,677,583 2,714,387 2,780,296 2,905,683 3,045,305 3,141,230 3,181,749 3,209,867 3,191,476 3,177,784 3,190,295
Interstate 259,494 347,921 448,848 459,186 488,058 510,804 532,012 549,636 565,812 581,670 602,896 616,796 633,221 643,715 657,607 696,255 731,262 754,895 768,113 777,820 766,194 764,114 768,771
Other arterialb 779,227 930,635 1,125,306 1,138,640 1,199,956 1,245,597 1,284,094 1,311,889 1,343,196 1,362,514 1,388,857 1,413,250 1,449,040 1,470,837 1,508,530 1,567,398 1,641,674 1,686,945 1,706,062 1,718,989 1,709,487 1,695,490 1,693,950
Collectorc 133,645 144,162 171,068 172,652 186,789 189,721 193,263 204,272 208,104 209,450 212,281 211,794 217,860 221,962 228,324 247,438 260,888 270,431 278,754 281,090 282,261 289,670 290,592
Local 204,050 257,595 307,470 303,157 318,821 322,525 322,968 331,375 335,345 345,607 363,868 377,557 377,462 377,872 385,835 394,592 411,482 428,959 428,819 431,969 433,533 428,510 436,982
Rural VKT, total (millions) 1,081,527 1,175,993 1,398,324 1,421,941 1,422,816 1,427,015 1,461,833 1,501,983 1,545,282 1,608,180 1,661,693 1,710,126 1,743,164 1,787,494 1,815,598 1,746,758 1,722,397 1,670,398 1,669,001 1,666,159 1,593,923 1,580,666 1,583,833
Interstate 217,397 248,414 322,147 329,933 330,812 335,239 346,923 359,498 374,277 386,653 404,782 418,697 431,594 440,347 450,555 434,434 429,688 416,482 415,071 412,697 391,537 389,748 395,331
Other arterialb 422,894 455,127 532,477 538,736 553,714 562,574 575,065 593,196 609,695 630,955 649,345 665,174 676,888 687,966 698,141 670,446 659,741 642,019 634,885 633,221 602,334 600,060 605,778
Collectorc 304,919 332,602 386,983 395,303 378,051 364,188 371,000 380,043 387,900 408,934 414,998 425,596 430,067 437,917 442,581 424,323 419,928 404,890 404,549 404,773 388,106 372,300 369,115
Local 136,318 139,850 156,716 157,968 160,239 165,014 168,844 169,245 173,410 181,639 192,568 200,659 204,615 221,264 224,320 217,554 213,040 207,007 214,497 215,469 211,946 218,557 213,609
Urban VKT per lane-kilometer, total (thousands) 613 677 764 766 775 782 794 809 820 825 844 858 869 857 861 856 860 862 856 851 829 808 805
Interstate 3,327 3,773 4,483 4,542 4,508 4,588 4,667 4,785 4,897 5,002 5,131 5,229 5,323 5,370 5,440 5,436 5,479 5,455 5,427 5,414 5,245 5,221 5,175
Other arterialb 1,451 1,556 1,751 1,758 1,783 1,778 1,803 1,828 1,857 1,866 1,901 1,950 1,974 1,997 2,025 2,012 2,019 2,001 1,989 1,977 1,923 1,853 1,845
Collectorc 572 552 634 649 659 656 655 686 692 689 703 706 718 728 743 741 745 745 747 747 723 713 702
Local 146 168 184 179 181 179 178 181 181 184 192 198 196 189 188 183 184 187 183 181 179 174 176
Rural VKT per lane-kilometer, total (thousands) 103 113 136 138 139 140 144 148 152 157 165 169 172 177 179 175 174 170 170 169 163 161 161
Interstate 1,031 1,170 1,473 1,502 1,540 1,576 1,642 1,693 1,749 1,804 1,888 1,939 1,993 2,032 2,080 2,070 2,088 2,061 2,074 2,076 1,981 1,987 1,987
Other arterialb 518 555 640 646 653 665 674 695 711 730 750 766 778 788 797 (R) 780 771 753 744 742 705 694 694
Collectorc 132 141 164 167 163 158 161 167 170 179 182 187 189 192 195 190 189 183 184 184 177 168 166
Local 19 20 23 23 23 24 25 25 25 26 29 30 30 33 33 33 32 32 33 33 32 33 33

KEY: R = revised.

a Includes the 50 States and the District of Columbia.

b Urban other arterial includes other freeways and expressways, other principal arterial, and minor arterial. Rural other arterial includes other principal arterial and minor arterial prior to 2009, and includes other freeways and expressways, other principal arterial and minor arterial for 2009.

b Collector is the sum of major and minor collectors.


See table 1-6M for estimated highway Lane-kilometers by functional class.

1 mile=1.609344 kilometers.

Component values may not add to totals due to rounding.

2009 data exclude 1,325 kilometers of federal agency owned roads and 114 kilometers of other non federal agency owned roads. 2008 data exclude 1,268 kilometers of federal agency owned roads. 2007 data exclude 1,268 kilometers of federal owned roads and 703 kilometers of local government owned roads. 2006 data exclude 1,268 kilometers of federal owned roads and included 441 kilometers of miscoded roads. 2005 data exclude 1,239 kilometers of federal agency owned roads.


Vehicle-Kilometers Traveled (VMT):

1980-94: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics Summary to 1995, FHWA-PL-97-009 (Washington, DC: July 1997), table VM-202, available at as of Mar. 18, 2009.

1995-2010: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual Issues), table VM-2, available at as of Mar. 14, 2012.


1980-95: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Highway Information Management, Highway Statistics Summary to 1995 (Washington, DC), table HM-260, available at as of Mar. 29, 2011.

1996-2010: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual Issues), table HM-60, available at as of Mar. 14, 2012.

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