Welcome to The CMTS


Welcome to the Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS) website. The CMTS is a Federal Cabinet-level, inter-departmental committee chaired by the Secretary of Transportation.

The purpose of the CMTS is to create a partnership of Federal departments and agencies with responsibility for the Marine Transportation System (MTS). The job of the CMTS is to ensure the development and implementation of national MTS policies that are consistent with national needs and to report to the President its views and recommendations for improving the MTS.

The MTS is essential to the American economy; it supports millions of American jobs, facilitates trade, moves people and goods, and provides a safe, secure, cost-effective, and energy-efficient transportation alternative. But because much of the system’s infrastructure is aging and constrained by capacity limitations, the CMTS is working to ensure that the MTS continues to meet the present and future needs of our nation... keep reading »

Bulletin Board
5 Mar

CMTS U.S. Arctic Marine Transportation System Draft Report Open for Public Comment

The draft report, entitled “Arctic Marine Transportation System: Overview and Priorities for Action,” is now available for review and comment until April 22, 2013. ... view more »
CMTS Arctic MTS Report - Public Comment Notice
28 Feb

e-Navigation Online Dialog Extended

The CMTS Integrated Action Team for e-Navigation has extended its online dialog on the future of e-Navigation in the United States through 15 March 2013 ... view more »
1 Feb

CMTS Compendium Published

CMTS Publishes Compendium of Federal Programs in the Marine Transportation System ... view more »
20 Dec

CMTS Authorized by Congress

On December 20, 2012, President Obama signed into law the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2012 (Pub. L. No. 112-113). With this action, the CMTS is officially recognized by Congress and is authorized in law, giving our interagency Partnership new authority, new responsibilities, and new opportunities ... view more »
CMTS Authorizing Language
10 Nov

CMTS Integrated Action Team for e-Navigation Requests Stakeholder Input on Federal Role

The CMTS Integrated Action Team for e-Navigation kicked off an outreach program to e-Navigation stakeholders on November 7, 2012 ... view more »
10 Aug

CMTS Data Portal Search Engine is Operational

The CMTS data portal is a comprehensive inventory of available web-based information regarding the Marine Transportation System (MTS) ... view more »