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Meehan Praises House Action on Preventing Default on Debt

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Congressman Patrick Meehan (PA-07) today issued the following statement regarding the Budget Control Act of 2011:

“Tonight the House has again passed legislation that would prevent a default by raising our debt limit and cut spending by $2.7 trillion. If the Budget Control Act became law, it would be the first time in history that a debt limit increase was paired with spending cuts.

“Senate Democrats have a plan that is similar to the House-passed bill, but with some significant differences. Neither plan raises taxes on American families or job creators – that’s important. Both increase the debt limit to avoid a default, albeit for different time periods, and both trigger spending reductions totaling $2.7 trillion, although there are critical distinctions between how these savings are accomplished. One approach requires a balanced budget amendment, and the other does not. But both create a 12-member Joint Committee of the Congress to come up with long-term spending reforms that will save Social Security and Medicare, and this bipartisan committee’s legislation could not be blocked by parliamentary tricks or maneuvering. I believe there are enough similarities that Democrats and Republicans can and should be able to find common ground and get this deal done.

“The clock is ticking and the American people are watching. I again urge the partisans on all sides to put aside petty politics and instead listen to the American people who sent us here to make the tough choices and get our fiscal house in order. Americans’ jobs, savings and credit hang in the balance.”
