Data Announcements

New Evaluation Product Provides Improved Eddy Correlation Data
Sep 10, 2012       
Eddy correlation flux measurement systems (ECOR) are used by ARM to provide surface turbulence flux measurements. The Quality Controlled Eddy Correlation Flux (QCECOR) value-added product (VAP) improves the ECOR data by applying the following quality control (QC) procedures: Eddy correlation corrections Determination of the quality-controlled energy fluxes from the corrected ECOR fluxes Stringent QC checks. The QCECOR evaluation product [...]

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ARM Developers Seek to Improve Data Flow
Sep 07, 2012       
Once a year, representatives from ARM’s External Data Center, Data Quality Office, Data Archive, and Data Management Facility gather with infrastructure management, scientists, and developers of data ingests and value-added products to discuss progress on infrastructure activities related to ARM data. In mid-August, the ARM Developers met at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to review [...]

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New Radar Data Lead to New Value-Added Product
Sep 04, 2012       
The Ka-band ARM zenith radars (KAZRs) have replaced the long-serving millimeter-wavelength cloud radars (MMCRs). As a result, the Active Remote Sensing of Clouds (ARSCL) value-added product (VAP), which is based on MMCR observations, is being replaced by a KAZR version, the KAZR-ARSCL VAP. KAZR observations in this VAP are corrected for water vapor attenuation and [...]

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New Product Organizes Data for Use by Modelers
Sep 01, 2012       
Knowledge of a wide range of meteorological, chemical, and aerosol quantities and properties is needed to fully understand the key processes that affect aerosol life cycle. Field campaign and operational measurements of aerosol properties and trace gas chemistry are often available in a wide range of formats. As a result, scientists usually spend a [...]

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New Evaluation Product Estimates Planetary Boundary Layer Height
Jul 03, 2012       
Planetary boundary layer (PBL) height (or mixing-layer depth) can vary significantly with time due to a number of factors, including large-scale dynamics, cloudiness, convective mixing, and the diurnal cycle of solar radiation. The structure and depth of the PBL are important to a wide range of atmospheric processes, such as cloud formation, aerosol mixing and [...]

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Unique Manus Island Precipitation Data Available
Jun 12, 2012       
Evaluation data are available for the value-added product (VAP) Mapped Moments to a Cartesian Grid (MMCG) for periods between October and December 2011 from the Tropical Western Pacific Manus site. The C-band scanning ARM precipitation radar (C-SAPR) produces measurements of raw radar moments in antenna coordinates of range from and the azimuth and elevation of [...]

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New Evaluation Product Provides Thermodynamic Variables from Multiple Instruments
Jun 12, 2012       
The Interpolated Sonde (INTERPSONDE) value-added product (VAP) is an intermediate step of the MERGESONDE VAP that produces a daily file of atmospheric state variables (temperature, humidity, pressure, and winds) from radiosonde soundings, the microwave radiometer, and surface meteorological instruments. INTERPSONDE includes many of the same sophisticated scaling/interpolation/smoothing schemes that are the hallmark of MERGESONDE, [...]

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Aerosol Optical Depth Measurements Available as Value-Added Product
Apr 23, 2012       
Aerosol optical depth (AOD) is a measure of the total aerosol burden in the atmosphere. The spectral dependence of AOD, typically described by the Angstrom exponent, is also an indicator of particle size. Small Angstrom exponent values (near zero) indicate presence of large particles, and vice versa. The AOD value-added product (VAP) provides both the wavelength-dependent [...]

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Moving on Up: Merged Sounding Data Now a Value-Added Product
Apr 23, 2012       
The Merged Sounding evaluation product has moved into the ARM Data Archive as a value-added product (VAP). This Merged Sounding VAP, initially designed by Dr. Gerald Mace, was modified by software developer David Troyan under the scientific direction of Michael Jensen to better serve the ARM community. Data are available for the following sites: Southern [...]

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New Aerosol Best Estimate Data Available as Value-Added Product
Apr 23, 2012       
The Aerosol Best Estimate (ABE) value-added product (VAP) provides best-estimate time series of total column aerosol optical depth (AOD) and the associated column Angstrom exponent, as well as time/height profiles of aerosol extinction, single-scattering albedo, asymmetry parameter, and Angstrom exponents above the Central Facility at the ARM Southern Great Plains (SGP) site. As inputs, ABE uses [...]

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Help Us Help You; ARM Data Survey Available Now
Feb 22, 2012       
We still need your feedback! The ARM Data Archive stores more than 2000 types of datastreams and there are many ways to find and order the data. To help us understand how you interact with ARM data, please to take a few minutes and fill out the ARM Data User Satisfaction Survey.

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Five Years of Radiatively Important Parameters Best Estimate (RIPBE) Data Now Available
Jan 31, 2012       
Scientists use detailed state-of-the art radiative transfer models to understand the radiative impact of clouds and aerosols on the Earth's radiation budget, evaluate remote sensing retrievals of cloud and aerosol properties, and develop and evaluate simpler radiative transfer models for inclusion in cloud and climate models. The ARM suite of instruments measures all of the [...]

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It’s Official Now—Cloud Microphysical Properties Value-Added Product Changes Status
Jan 31, 2012       
The Continuous Baseline Microphysical Retrieval (MICROBASE) value-added product (VAP) has been released as an official ARM VAP. Data from April 1998 through December 2009 are now available for the Southern Great Plains, North Slope of Alaska, and Tropical Western Pacific sites. Historical updates will be provided whenever additional data become available. MICROBASE is a baseline [...]

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Mapping for Precipitation Radar Data Ready for Evaluation
Jan 02, 2012       
The first-ever 4-dimensional ARM data product, called Mapped Moments to a Cartesian Grid (MMCG), is now available for testing by the science community. Covering all major precipitation events during the Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment, the MMCG is derived from scanning C-band ARM precipitation radar (C-SAPR) data. This value added product (VAP) was [...]

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Aerosol Optical Depth Measurements Available as Value-Added Product
Dec 01, 2011       
Aerosol optical depth (AOD) measures total aerosol burden in the atmosphere. The spectral dependence of AOD, typically described by the Angstrom exponent, is also an indicator of particle size. Small Angstrom exponent values (near zero) indicate presence of large particles, and vice versa. The newly developed AOD value-added product (VAP) provides both the wavelength-dependent values [...]

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Raman Lidar Data Product Suite Provides Best-Estimate Data
Oct 14, 2011       
Science data products derived from the Raman lidar (RL) are produced using a suite of five value-added product (VAP) processes. These VAP processes, jointly known as RLPROF, are run together to produce estimates of: water vapor mixing ratio relative humidity aerosol scattering ratio aerosol volume backscatter coefficient aerosol extinction aerosol linear depolarization ratio cloud mask aerosol optical depth precipitable water vapor. Once the suite of [...]

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