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Kids in the Creek

Kids in the Creek is an award-winning environmental education program that lets kids wade in and get their hands wet.

Each year, BPA works with hundreds of elementary students from across our region, teaching them how to recognize a healthy stream.

Kids learn biology, as they learn to identify macroinvertebrates. They learn chemistry, as they test the water’s pH.

They learn environmental science, as they scan stream banks for vegetation cover and other signs of healthy habitat. And they just have fun.

Kids in the Creek is powered by volunteers, partnerships with regional organizations, and by teachers.

Teachers may use the curriculum and resources posted on this page in class or in a stream location.

Guided Kids in the Creek activities are offered through the following organizations:
Wenatchee River Salmon Festival, north central Washington
Yakima Environmental Education Program, Yakima Valley, Wash.
Friends of Tryon Creek, Portland Metro area

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