Washington, DC 20226

September 13, 2004

Open Letter to Federally Licensed Firearms Importers and Registered Importers of U.S. Munitions Import List Articles

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is committed to keeping industry members informed of statutory and regulatory developments affecting them. In furtherance of this commitment, we have prepared this open letter, which contains information about recent changes that may affect your day-to-day operations and/or long range plans.

Sunset of Bans on Semiautomatic Assault Weapons and Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Devices

On September 13, 1994, Congress passed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, Public Law 103-322. Title IX, Subtitle A, Section 110105 of this Act generally made it unlawful to manufacture, transfer, and possess semiautomatic assault weapons (SAWs) and to transfer and possess large capacity ammunition feeding devices (LCAFDs). The law also required importers and manufacturers to place certain markings on SAWs and LCAFDs, designating they were for export or law enforcement/government use. Significantly, the law provided that it would expire 10 years from the date of enactment. Accordingly, effective 12:01 a.m. on September 13, 2004, the provisions of the law will cease to apply. This open letter is to advise the import community of the effect of this on importations.

Importation of Semiautomatic Assault Weapons

Importation of Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Devices

Please note:

We recognize that you may have ATF correspondence and publications that contain obsolete information. For example, a July 30, 2002 open letter discussed the importation of pre-September 13, 1994 large capacity magazines. This section of the open letter no longer must be complied with. Similarly, the ATF Federal Firearms Regulations Reference Guide and the ATF Guidebook: Importation & Verification of Firearms, Ammunitions & Implements of War contain some information that now is incorrect. We will update these publications as soon as possible. Moreover, we will provide up-to-date information on our website: www.atf.gov.

Maintaining open lines of communication is vital to the successful future of ATF’s partnership with the import community. The Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch is available to answer your questions about the issues addressed in this letter. You may reach us by phone at 202-927-8320 or by fax at 202-927-2697.

Signature of Kenneth E. Houchens

for Audrey Stucko,
Chief, Firearms and Explosives
Services Division