Press Release

October 01, 2008 Contact: Lindsey Mask

McKeon Lauds Expiration of 27-Year Offshore Drilling Ban
Republicans celebrate American Energy Independence Day

October 01, 2008 -

Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Santa Clarita) issued the following statement as the American offshore energy exploration ban expired today:

“Today is a day to celebrate as America moves closer to being independent of foreign oil with the expiration of the domestic offshore drilling ban.  While the country is clearly focused on the current state of our financial markets, it’s important to remember that energy independence will help restore our long-term economic security, making the expiration of this wrongheaded ban a key economic victory as well.

“Republicans, who fought for months if not years to lift this 27-year ban, have dubbed October 1st as ‘American Energy Independence Day,’ and once we tackle the tough issues facing our credit market, we will need to refocus our attention on becoming energy independent.  Republicans will continue the push toward achieving a comprehensive energy strategy to expand energy conservation, promote renewable and alternative energy, and increase the supply of domestic fuel and oil, which will also provide more American jobs and boost the economy.”  


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