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ADDS Home PageTurbulenceIcingConvectionWinds/TempsProg ChartsJava Tools Airmets site description

ADDS - AIRMETs Java Tool Help Page
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example AIRMETs applet The AIRMETs tool allows users to plot particular hazard types using the checkboxes for Icing, Turbulence, Mountain Obscuration, and Widespread IFR conditions. To help reduce clutter, a user may zoom into a particular region by clicking and holding the left mouse button while dragging a red rectangle on the display. Once you release the mouse button, the tool will zoom into that region. Placing your cursor over one of the colored icons will produce a pop-up text box containing the full raw text AIRMET or SIGMET. The vertical bar to the right of the map can be used to eliminate data outside particular vertical bounds. Simply grab (with the mouse) one of the orange regions and drag it up or down.

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Page last modified: April 30, 2012


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