Aaron Schock

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Schock Visits Glenwood High School - Congressman Aaron Schock was in Chatham, IL to visit Glenwood High School today. While visiting Glenwood High School, Schock spoke to around 180 government and journalism students. Keeping the Pledge to America - Keeping the Pledge to America - How Republicans Have Fought to Create Jobs, Cut Spending, & Change the Way Congress Does Business. Two years later, a look back shows that the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives has kept its Pledge http://www.speaker.gov/general/keeping-pledge-america-how-republicans-have-fought-create-jobs-cut-spending-change-way U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock Honored as Guardian of Small Business by NFIB - The National Federation of Independent Business, the nation’s leading small business association, today named U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock (IL-18) a Guardian of Small Business for his outstanding voting record on behalf of America’s small-business owners in the 112th Congress. http://schock.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=308542 Aaron Schock Honored as Guardian of Small Business by NFIB - Paul Ryan in the Capitol - Schock Meets Olympic Medalists - Aaron met this afternoon with Tim Morehouse, silver medalist in Fencing at the 2008 Olympic Games and Jordan Buroughs, gold medalists in Wrestling, at the London Games. They were on Capitol Hill today along with other American Olympic athletes to talk about their Olympic experiences. Schock Meets with Olympians - Aaron met this afternoon with Tim Morehouse, silver medalist in Fencing at the 2008 Olympic Games and Jordan Buroughs, gold medalists in Wrestling, at the London Games. They were on Capitol Hill today along with other American Olympic athletes to talk about their Olympic experiences. Congressional Award - 182nd Airlift Wing Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - 9.8.2012 182nd Airlift Wing Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - 9.8.2012 182nd Airlift Wing Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - 9.8.2012 Schock Attends 182nd Airlift Wing Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - The new facility will house the 182nd Operations Group. The 27,700-square-foot facility will house C-130 operations including weapons and tactics, intelligence operations; briefing space; flight planning, safety, and records areas, physical training, life support and survival equipment including space to repair parachutes, life rafts, and other emergency gear. http://schock.house.gov/district-report/182n-airlift-wing-ribbon-cutting-ceremony.htm Universal Oneness Day - On Friday, August 31, Aaron met with the Peoria Chapter of the Hindu Service Society. They met with Aaron during the traditional Hindu holiday known as Raska Bandhana. The meeting took place in Peoria at Aaron's district office. 2012 Friend of Ag Award - Schock Receives 2012 Friend of Ag Award - The Friend of Agriculture Award is presented by the Illinois Soybean Association, Illinois Beef Association, Illinois Corn Growers Association, Illinois Milk Producers Association, Illinois Pork Producers Association, and Illinois Wheat Association. The award is given each year to individuals who have significantly contributed to improving agriculture in Illinois. (Pictured Left to Right: Charles Powell, Congressman Schock, Kim Curry.) Schock Visits Pike County - Today, August 14th, Aaron visited Pike County, Illinois. He is pictured here visiting with several constituents outside the Pike County Courthouse. Schock Participates in Apple Creek Water Cooperative Groundbreaking Ceremony - Aaron was in Waverly, Illinois today to participate in the Apple Creek Water Cooperative Groundbreaking Ceremony. The Apple Creek Water Cooperative will begin construction on Phase II of its Water System expansion project. The Phase II project will provide a reliable source of potable water to another 137 customers along 50 miles of water main in western Sangamon and eastern Morgan Counties. Apple Creek Water Coop Groundbreaking - Schock Participates in Goodwill Repurposing Facility Press Conference - Congressman Aaron Schock participated in the Goodwill Repurposing Facility press conference in Peoria today. Goodwill will use the updated facility to expand services for all of its programs, with added emphasis on expanding services for veterans and youth. The building will also continue to serve as Goodwill’s administrative headquarters. http://schock.house.gov/district-report/ Schock at Goodwill Ceremony - Schock Visits CCK Automations in Jacksonville - Jacksonville’s CCK Automations Inc. faces similar challenges as many other small businesses and manufacturers around the nation: an uncertain future regarding taxes and health reform. But despite those uncertainties, CCK Automations continues to grow and expand. U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock toured the facility on Aug. 6 with Operations Manager JJ Richardson and Chief Financial Officer Sherri Richardson. http://schock.house.gov/district-report/ CCK Visit - Bartlett Grain Company visit - Schock Host 18th Congressional District Ag Summit - Today, Congressman Schock hosted his 18th District Agricultural Summit in Lincoln, IL. Schock was joined by Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, Congressman Frank Lucas of Oklahoma and several hundred constituents with ties to the agricultural community in his district. Agriculture is the #1 employer in the 18th district. http://schock.house.gov/district-report/ Ag Summit - Ag Summit - Ag Summit - Ag Summit - Ag Summit - Ag Summit - Ag Summit Photo - Schock Attends Scott-Morgan-Greene Water Cooperative Dedication Ceremony - Aaron was in Jacksonville on Monday, August 6th, 2012 to attend the Scott-Morgan-Greene Water Cooperative Dedication Ceremony. SMG Water Cooperative is completing its Phase V Water Systems Improvement Project, which is its 8th overall project and the first to include a water booster pump station and elevated water storage tank. The project added 50 miles of water main and added 155 customers. This project was funded by the USDA Rural Development program. http://schock.house.gov/district-report/ SMG Dedication Ceremony - SMG Dedication Ceremony - SMG Dedication Ceremony - SMG Dedication Ceremony - SMG Dedication Ceremony - SMG Dedication Ceremony - Schock Advocates for Tax Reform on House Floor - Vote Preventing Tax Hike Passes House - Aaron spoke on the House floor today in support of extending all tax rates for one year while the Ways and Means committee, on which he serves, completes comprehensive tax reform in 2013. Schock has been a vocal advocate in pushing Congress to take up comprehensive tax reform. Since joining the Ways and Means committee in January 2011, the committee has held 23 hearings on individual and corporate tax reform. http://schock.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=305717 website icon - Enewsletter Subscriber Icon - Tax Hike Side by Side - Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Job Creation Act - This will the House will vote on the Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Job Creation Act. This bill will stems the flow of costly regulations and imposes a freeze on economically significant regulations that harm the economy until unemployment reaches six percent or below. http://schock.house.gov/legislativecorner/regulations.htm Red Tape Image-JEC - WMBD Screen Shot-Regs Presser - WHOI Screen Shot-Regs Presser - WEEK Screen Shot-Regs Presser - WGEM News Talk Live - Red Tape v Small Business - Schock Announces District Wide Agriculture Summit - Congressman Aaron Schock announced today that he will be hosting an Agricultural Summit this August. Schock will be hosting the Ag Summit on August 7th, 2012 at Lincoln College in Lincoln, Illinois. Joining Schock will be the Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, Congressman Frank Lucas of Oklahoma. http://schock.house.gov/district-report/ag-summit-information.htm American Legion Talking - American Legion applause - Fox Business Screen Shot - Congressman Schock welcomes news citizens to U.S. - 88 individuals hailing from 35 countries officially became citizens of the United States. Becoming an American citizen, Schock says, comes with responsibility. “We‘re a country of giving. We’re a country that looks out for one another. It’s incumbent upon each one of you to take up that mantle, as I know you will, to live by the golden rule. To do for others as you would have them do for you. To treat your neighbors and fellow Americans as you would have them treat you.” http://schock.house.gov/district-report/NaturalizationCeremony.htm Naturalization Ceremony - Schock recognizes veterans sacrifices and commitments - Schock was a key speaker at the 94th annual American Legion State Convention at the Prairie Capital Convention Center Plaza on July 13. The American Legion, chartered by Congress in 1919, currently has more than 100,000 members in Illinois in more than 800 posts. The state convention is designed to help boost awareness of the organization and activities that it sponsors. http://schock.house.gov/district-report/schock-recognizes-veterans-sacrifices-and-commitments.htm American Legion State Convention - Schock Goes On the Record with Greta to Discuss the Repeal Vote - On Tuesday night, On July 10th 2012, Congressman Schock was on the FOX News program On the Record with Greta Van Susteren to discuss the vote in the House to repeal President Obama's Affordable Care Act http://youtu.be/HvpO7oXH-oM Schock Speaks on House Floor in Support of Health Care Repeal Vote - This week, Aaron spoke on the House floor in support of the vote to repeal Oof President Obama's health care law. In June, the United States Supreme Court ruled that President Obama's Affordable Care Act was in fact a tax increase. Click here to watch his remarks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22hz8TkF1uU ObamaCare Floor Remarks Screen Shot - JEC Unemployment Graph - Screen Shot-Web Video on Tax Reform - Schock Ushers in Passage of Long-term Highway Bill - After months of urging Congress and President Obama to pass a long-term highway bill Congressman Schock is claiming victory. Today, the House voted to approve a transportation infrastructure bill that will fund the nation’s roads, rails, bridges, and infrastructure through September 2014. Schock has been a vocal advocate for the benefits of a long-term highway bill. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=301676 #StopTheTaxHike - It’s been called the “ticking tax bomb” and even “Taxmageddon” – and it’s a central issue that must be addressed in order to avoid the so-called “fiscal cliff” when the clock strikes midnight on December 31, 2012. But by whatever name it’s known, one thing is clear: if we don’t #StopTheTaxHike and prevent the expiration of the tax policies originally enacted in 2001 and 2003 – that fiscal cliff will turn into a jobs cliff. Even the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has said the failure to act would push the country back into a recession. http://waysandmeans.house.gov/tickingtaxbomb/ Schock Visits DaVita Springfield Montvale Dialysis Center - On Thursday, Aaron visited the DiVita Springfield Montvale Dialysis Center to meet patients and care givers and learn about dialysis and particular kidney care needs for Illinois residents. (He is pictured here with Cindy Emley, ROD and Vickie Lewis, Group FA.) UPDATED: House Passes Repeal of the Medical Device Tax - Aaron spoke on the House floor today in support of repealing the Medical Device Tax. Effective in 2013, the Affordable Care Act will impose a 2.3 percent excise tax on the manufacturing of certain medical devices unless it is repealed. It's estimated that the implementation of this tax increase would result in the loss of 1,209 Illinois jobs. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=297759 UPDATED: Schock Passes Amendment to Increase Access to Health Care Services for Veterans - Congressman Aaron Schock and Congressman Bobby Schilling teamed up to successfully pass an amendment that will make it easier for veterans to access quality health care. The amendment directs $16 million within the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Rural Health to expand two pilot programs known as Project ARCH and Project HERO. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=297942 YouTube Logo - Constituent Services Icon - Memorial Day Message - Memorial Day is a humbling time in which we come together to recognize all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Its also a time to remember the thousands of veterans who live and work among us, and all of those currently serving in the Armed Forces. http://schock.house.gov/news/email/show.aspx?ID=OXLQQXFGBCMNESXAWWIVHQEXME VA - State - DHS - SSA - IRS - Medicare - Passport - Visit DC - Job Posting - Federal Grants - Federal Doc - Federal Govt Links - Presidential Greetings - Kids Page - Internships - Art Competition - Service Academy - Flag Request - Federal Agency - ReadingBlog1 - WLS Radio Logo - Web Video Library Image - Illinois Representatives United in Demanding Senate Action - In a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitchell McConnell, signed by ten Illinois Congressional Republicans and all 54 Illinois State Republican Representatives, demanded that the US Senate follow the actions taken in the House in repealing the Medicaid Maintenance of Effort (MOE) mandate in the Affordable Care Act. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=295818 audio icon - Schock Participates in Flag Dedication Ceremony in East Peoria - On Monday, May 14th, Aaron participated in a flag dedication ceremony at the Caterpillar Facility in East Peoria. The dedication ceremony was held in honor of Memorial Day and the 113 veterans that are currently working at the CAT facility. Before the ceremony, Aaron had the American flag flown over the United States Capitol. U.S House Passes Repeal of Budget Busting Illinois Medicaid Mandate - Congressman Aaron Schock and Illinois House Republican Leader Tom Cross issued a joint statement today calling on the US Senate to join the House in passing legislation to repeal the Medicaid Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Requirement. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=294939 Signature.JPG - Jobs Legislation Tracker - Since taking over the majority, House Republicans have been hard at work passing commonsense jobs bills. Small business owners are being bogged down by burdensome regulations from Washington that prevent job creation and hinder economic growth. We must remove onerous regulations that are redundant, harm small businesses, and impede private sector investment and job creation. To learn more about these bill, click here. http://www.majorityleader.gov/jobstracker/ Job Tracker Button - aaronschock.jpg - Schock Holds Press Conference on Costly Federal Regulations - Aaron held a press conference on Tuesday in Peoria on the explosion of costly regulations being issued by the Obama Administration and the need to restore checks and balances to the regulatory process. The press conference kicked off what will be a continued effort to highlight burdensome regulations that impact the 18th district. Schock Fights Back Regulation Undermining Family Farms - Congressman Aaron Schock released the following statement after the Department of Labor (DOL) announced it was reversing a decision to move forward with a proposed rule that would undermine the ability for young people to work on family farms. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=293190 Schock Announces Winner of 31st Annual Congressional Art Show and Competition - Congressman Aaron Schock is pleased to announce the winner of the 2012 Congressional Arts Competition: Maya Jain of Dunlap High School. Maya’s art work will hang for one year beside works of art from other Congressional districts in the passageway between the House of Representatives office buildings and the United States Capitol. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=291903 Schock Fights to Prevent Tax Hike - Continues Efforts to Reform 70,000 Page Tax Code - The responsible step is to extend all the tax rates for one year so we can finish our work on tax reform. This will provide certainty for individuals and small businesses so they have the comfort in knowing their taxes will not be going up at the end of the year while we continue our work on tax reform. The economy is still very fragile, and it’s widely agreed upon by both sides that the last thing we need to do is to increase the tax burden on anyone. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=304873 Schock Participates in Press Conference Touting Benefits of the Small Business Tax Cut Act - Aaron Schock joined Reps. Kevin Brady, Marsha Blackburn, Pete Olson, Erik Paulsen and Bobby Schilling at the Capitol to discuss the importance of the Small Business Tax Cut Act, H.R. 9. You can watch his remarks by clicking on the button. http://youtu.be/pHDJRXm6f_U The Shuttle Discovery's Final Flight - On Tuesday, the space shuttle Discovery made its final flight which included a pass by the U.S. Capitol. This is a photo taken from outside the capitol as the shuttle made its way to Virginia. Schock Continues Work Toward Comprehensive Tax Reform - Congressman Aaron Schock (R-IL), a member of the Ways and Means committee, the chief tax writing committee in the House, issued the following statement today on the need for comprehensive tax reform as millions of American’s rush to file their federal, state, and local taxes. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=290541 Schock Tours CSE Software in Peoria - While in Peoria, Aaron visited CSE Software Inc.’s new office space in downtown Peoria. He was given a tour to better understand CSE's capabilities along with the research and development work they have underway. Schock Receives U.S. Chamber Spirit of Enterprise Award - The Chamber's prestigious "Spirit of Enterprise" award is given annually to members of Congress based on rankings it gives for key business votes outlined in its yearly publication. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=290242 Schock Addresses High Cost of President's Health Care Law - Illinois House Republican Leader Tom Cross joined forces with U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock to call attention to mounting budget pressures facing Illinois taxpayers on the twin threats of explosive Medicaid costs and implementation of the federal Affordable Care Act. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=290206 House Passes 2013 Budget Resolution - Earlier today, Congressman Schock and a majority of the House voted to pass the House Republican budget. A budget that will have a positive effect on all Americans and will spur economic growth and job creation; while taking the necessary steps to close the budget deficit and pay off the national debt. To listen to Aaron's comments on the passage of the budget, click the button. http://schock.house.gov/UploadedFiles/Media_Conference_Call_3.29.2012.mp3 music note - Supreme Court Rules Individual Mandate is a Tax Increase - Schock issued the following statement after it was announced today that the United States Supreme Court will uphold the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA). In its decision, the Court ruled that the controversial individual mandate is a tax increase on millions of American taxpayers. To read his statement and learn more about the Supreme Court's decision click here. http://schock.house.gov/legislativecorner/healthcaredecision.htm Schock Participants in Small Business Tax Relief Announcement - Over the past 17 years small businesses with fewer than 500 employees generated 65% of the new jobs in this country. As the U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy shows, small businesses represent 99.9% of the 27.5 million businesses in America. Yet, small businesses can be subject to tax rates that siphon away one-third or more of their income. The Small Business Tax Cut Act will allow small businesses to take a tax deduction equal to 20% of their active business income. Schock Holds Press Conference with Peoria County Recorder of Deeds Nancy Horton - Peoria County Recorder of Deeds Nancy K. Horton and Congressman Aaron Schock held a press conference to remind military veterans of the importance of recording their military separation papers in a Recorder of Deeds Office. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=285011 NAEIR Tour - NAEIR Tour - NAEIR Tour - NAEIR Tour - Schock Speaks Out on Dual Threat of President Obama's Health Care Law Implementation & Costly Federal Mandates - Aaron has been on a mission to sound the alarm throughout Illinois and in Washington about the mounting budget pressures facing Illinois taxpayers on the dual threat of expanding Medicaid costs and the implementation of the federal Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFKQJI070yY FOX Business 3.6 - FOX News 3.9.2012 - Energy Video Enewsletter - Schock Attends PDC Grand Opening Event for CNG Commercial Fueling Station - Kudos to PDC for leading the area in switching from petroleum-based fuel to compressed natural gas, which is cleaner, more abundant and American-made energy. PDC has put Peoria on the clean energy map. I want to thank PDC for their visionary leadership and for finding creative ways to innovate for their business and benefit the community at the same time.http://schock.house.gov/Issues/Issue/?IssueID=4730 Aaron Discusses the House Passed JOBS Act on FOX News - On Thursday, the House passed the bipartisan JOBS Act. The JOBS (Jumpstart Our Business Startups) Act is a legislative package designed to jumpstart our economy and restore opportunities for America’s primary job creators: our small businesses, startups and entrepreneurs. http://youtu.be/_N5NKUjxJ94 Schock Pushes China Issues in Meeting with Obama Administration - Congressman Aaron Schock and members of the House Ways and Means committee met today with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Commerce Secretary John Bryson and United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk to discuss the Obama administration’s economic policies toward China. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=282924 Budget Graph 3 - Budget Graph 2 - Budget Graph 1 - Schock: Extend tax cuts, then restructure the tax code - The debate centers around what to do with the 2001 and 2003 tax rates, first passed under President George W. Bush and extended in 2010 for two years by President Obama with the support of 91 sitting House Democrats and 39 Democratic senators. The uncertainty over these tax rates, which expire at the end of the year, has paralyzed small businesses and slammed the brakes on private-sector job creation. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=303146 Schock Reacts to President Obama's Budget Proposal (Video) - This week, President Obama introduced his budget blueprint for the next 10 years. As the documents were released and the hearings began in the House and Senate one theme stood out - the President has introduced an unserious budget that carries with it serious consequences. Click here to watch: http://www.youtube.com/repaaronschock Budget React Screen Shot - Schock Addresses Morton Rotary Club - Aaron was in Morton recently to visit with the Morton Rotary Club. While there he gave an update on the latest news from Washington. He is pictured here discussing the federal budget. twitter logo - Morton Rotary Club - office - Make Sure to Follow Aaron on YouTube and Twitter - If you are of the millions of Americans who uses Twitter, make sure to follow Aaron on up-to-the-minute news in only 140 characters! His twitter handle is @repaaronschock. You can keep up with the latest videos and TV interviews from Aaron by subscribing to his YouTube page. His page is www.youtube.com/repaaronschock Schock Visits Trewyn Middle School in Peoria - Aaron stopped by Trewyn Middle School in Peoria this morning to tour the school and visit with some of the students. WMBD 1470 - CNN - WICS Screen Shot - Politicos: State of the Union: Reactions and the Year Ahead - Politico's Panel Discussion: State of the Union: Reactions and the Year Ahead - Aaron participated in a panel discussion this morning hosted by the capitol hill newspaper, Politico. The panel discussed a wide range of topics including reaction to the State of the Union, Aaron's efforts to push for a long-term highway bill, and what he expects in the year ahead. He was joined by Congressman Xavier Becerra of California. Excel 5 - Excel 4 - Excel 3 - Excel 2 - Excel 1 - Tazewell County Right to Life Meeting - Members of the Tazewell Right to Life, along with 7th graders from the area, visited Congressman Schock's Peoria Office. They are pictured here visting with Aaron during a conference call with him. HOI Screen Shot - WEEK Screen Shot - Greta Screen Shot - Excel Foundry Announcement - Local Pekin Business Makes Big Investment and Jobs Announcement - Congressman Schock was in Pekin today to applaud the announcement by Excel Foundry who plans to invest $15 million in plant expansions, creating 100 new manufacturing and engineering jobs in the Pekin/Peoria area. Aaron was joined by Doug Parson, CEO of Excel Foundry as well as Governor Pat Quinn, State Senator Dave Koehler and State Representative Mike Unes. MTP Screen Shot - FTA Farmers - Havana Pre-Planting Ceremony - FTA Floor Screen Shot - Farm Dust Floor - Farm - subscribe - Schock Amendment Passes House - The amendment would require the EPA to take agriculture jobs and the economic impact on the agriculture industry into account before issuing any new regulations relating to agriculture. Requiring that if a proposed regulation was found to cause the loss of more than 100 agriculturally related jobs or a decrease in more than $1,000,000 in agriculturally related economic activity, the EPA would have to give notice to the state’s cong. delegation, Gov., and Legislature, also hold a public hearing in the impacted state. http://www.youtube.com/repaaronschock#p/u/6/32OMX3rGsV0 Picture of Employment (2000-2011) - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - Schock Tours Bakken Field - MSNBC Morning Joe - Schock Sends Letter to President Obama - Aaron led a bipartisan effort today in sending President Obama a letter urging him to fully support congressional efforts to fund a long-term transportation reauthorization. He is calling on the President to join with him, and others in Congress, in supporting legislation will address urgent transportation & infrastructure needs, create American jobs and give the private sector important incentives to locate, invest and hire in the United Stateshttp://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=271445 vets - Schock Visits Eureka College - As a member of the Ronald Reagan Congressional Centennial Commission, Aaron took time recently to visit with the Reagan Fellows from Eureka College. Springfield Press Conference. - Schock Holds Press Conference on Need for Robust Transportation Infrastructure Bill - Aaron held a press conference in Springfield to continue his push for a robust transportation infrastructure bill. It has been announced that a bill will be introduced that will provide for a more robust highway bill linked to domestic energy production. This bill would be paid for by using the motor fuel tax combined with revenue from new oil & gas leasing to fund a highway bill to reinvest in the nation's infrastructure & spur job creation. Photo: Russ Kimmons http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=267901 Schock Releases New Video on Job Creation - Aaron released a new video today on YouTube promoting the bills that the Republican controlled House of Representatives has passed since taking control of the House in January. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=267678 Schock Visits the Bakken Field - Schock Visits the Bakken Field - Schock Visits the Bakken Field - Schock Visits the Bakken Field - Schock Visits the Bakken Field - Schock Urges White House to Reconsider Political Decision to Delay Keystone XL Pipeline Approval - Aaron is urging the White House to reconsider its decision to postpone final approval of the Keystone XL pipeline following the announcement last week that a decision would be delayed until after the 2012 elections.Schock joined with others in Congress today in sending a letter to President Obama urging him to take action before the end of the year, which is in line with the Department of State’s longstanding public time frame. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=269391 Scully Building Then & Now - The Scully Building in Lincoln was originally build in 1907, but in 2001 much of the building was damanged during a tragic fire on the second floor. In 2009, work to repair the building began. Pictured left to right is Aaron during construction in 2010 and an identical photo taken Oct. 2011 in the same spot. Earlier this year, Aaron introduced legislation to bolster the Historic Tax Credit that would provide a boost to local economic development through the restoration and reuse of historic buildings. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=252027 Schock’s Bill Stops Tax Increase on Canton, IL Employer - Aaron repealed today another tax raising provision in President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Schock is a co-sponsor of the bipartisan Protect Medical Innovation Act, H.R. 436, that was approved by the Ways and Means committee. H.R. 436 repeals the medical device tax that will impose a 2.3 percent excise tax on the manufacturing of medical devices beginning in 2013. Pictured here during the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Harvester Inn Hotel in Canton, IL. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=297759 Schock Attends Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Opening of Chestnut Street - Aaron was in Canton this morning to help cerebrate the opening of Chestnut Street. Schock Addresses Springfield South Rotary Club - Aaron was in Springfield today to attend the Springfield South Rotary Club. He had the opportunity to address the group and provide an update on the latest news from Washington, DC. Schock Hosts Scott County Legislative Update - On Wednesday, Aaron hosted a meet & greet and legislative update in Winchester at the Scott County Fairgrounds. He was joined by State Senator Sam McCann and State Representative Jim Watson. Around 60 residents attended the townhall style event to discuss the issues most important to them. Schock attends Innoventor groundbreaking ceremony - Aaron participated in the groundbreaking ceremony for a new plant Innoventor will be building in Barry, IL. Schock Praises Announcement to Link Domestic Energy Production with Transportation Funding - Aaron praised the announcement that legislation will be introduced in the House of Representatives that will link domestic energy production with the funding for transportation related programs. Since September, Congressman Schock has been advocating aggressively for a highway bill that is paid for by using revenues from domestic energy production from new oil and gas leases combined with the current motor fuel tax. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=267901 Title-Highway Bill - Schock Attends Dedication of Peoria Regional High School - Aaron was on hand this afternoon at the dedication ceremony of the Peoria Regional High School at Wildlife Prairie State Park Schock Participates in Panel Discussion on Meet the Press - Aaron was on Meet the Press Sunday, Octuber 9th. He participanted in a panel discussion on the President's Jobs Bill as well as discussed the latest on the race to the White House. To view high lights: http://schock.house.gov/UploadedFiles/Congressman_Schock_Meet_the_Press_Highlights_October_2011.wmv MTP 1 - Effective Federal Income Tax Rates for 2009 Tax Returns - Ratio of Income Taxes to Adjusted Gross Income - Percentage of Returns with NO Income Tax Liability - News 25 - MSNBC-Thomas Roberts - Kudlow 9.19 - Kudlow 9.9 - Hannity - Senator Dirksen Portrait Unveiling - Aaron helped Senator Kirk unveil a new portrait of Senator Dirksen earlier today.Everett Dirksen represented Illinois' 16th Congressional District in the House of Representatives from 1933-1949 and represented the people of Illinois in the United States Senate for three terms before passing away shortly after election to a fourth term. Dirksen served as Senate Minority Leader during the 1960s and played a crucial role in writing and passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Open Housing Act of 1968, both landmarks of civil rights legislation. Schock Attends Salvation Army's Kroc Center Grand Opening - Aaron was in Quincy this weekend to participate in the grand opening and dedication ceremony for the Kroc Center-the new Salvation Army facility. Schock Visit Local Business in Morton - Aaron stopped by Truck Centers Inc this afteroon to tour their facility and visit with employees. Schock Announces Critical Funding for Peoria Health Department - Congressman Schock announced today that the Peoria County Health Department will be awarded $2,475,000 to combat lead paint health hazards. Lead-based paint presents a significant health risk. The 61603 ZIP code, located in the city of Peoria, has one of the highest rates of childhood lead poisoning in the nation. Schock Visits Mossville Elementary School - Aaron stopped by Mossville Elementary today to visit with students in the 6th grade. Schock Attends Caterpillar Ribbon Cutting - Aaron attended a ribbon cutting ceremony this morning at Caterpillar's East Peoria facility. Caterpillar announced a multi-phase modernization plan for the company’s undercarriage components facility in East Peoria. The investment to modernize the facility is to better equip the facility to meet the expected capacity demands for undercarriage components and assemblies used in medium and large track-type tractors. Schock Introduces Jobs Bill Aimed at Helping Veterans - Congressman Aaron Schock has introduced legislation that will help veterans purchase small businesses. The Help Veterans Own Franchises Act, H.R. 2888, helps a veteran reduce the cost of owning a franchise by offering a tax discount to offset the associated franchise fees. Click here to read more http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=260110 Schock Attends City of Peoria 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony - Congressman Schock attended the City of Peoria 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony that took place earlier today. Here he is pictured with members of the United States Air Force. Schock Tours New East Peoria Bass Pro Shops - Earlier today, Congressman Schock toured the brand new Bass Pro Shops that will open later this month in East Peoria. The East Peoria location marks the 57th store nationwide. Jacksonville Listening Session - Jacksonville Listening Session - Jacksonville Listening Session - Schock Hosts Jacksonville Listening Session - Congressman Schock held his fifth listening session of the week in Jacksonville this morning. Over 100 residents from Jacksonville and the surrounding area joined Aaron at Grandma Rudi's for coffee and a conversation about the issues most important to them. Schock Hosts Forsyth Listening Session - Congressman Schock wrapped up his fourth listening session of the day at the Forsyth Public Library. Mt. Sterling Listening Session - Mt. Sterling Listening Session - Mt. Sterling Listening Session - Mt. Sterling Listening Session - Mt. Sterling Listening Session - Mt. Sterling Listening Session - Mt. Sterling Listening Session - Havana Listening Session - Henry Listening Session - Henry Listening Session - Henry Listening Session - Schock Hosts Mt. Sterling Listening Session - Congressman Schock taking questions during his listening session this afternoon in Mt. Sterling. Nearly 100 people from Mt. Sterling and the surrounding area attending the town hall event. Schock Hosts Listening Session in Havana - Congressman Schock was in Havana earlier today holding his second of six town hall listening sessions throughout his district. Over 100 people from Havana and the surrounding areas showed up to share their thoughts on the critical issues impacting the country. Schock Hosts Henry Listening Session - Congressman Schock began his day and his Listening Session tour in Henry, IL this morning. Over 130 residents from Henry and nearby communities turned out this morning to discuss a wide range of issues with Aaron. Pictured with Schock is Henry Mayor Dave Donini. Simmons Cancer Institute at Southern Illinois University - While in Springfield today, Congressman Schock toured the Simmons Cancer Institute at Southern Illinois University. Schock Hosts Roundtable Discussion with Small Business Owners - While Congressman Schock was in Springfield today, he met with small business owners. He hosted a roundtable discussion with the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Springfield Area Action Council to discuss jobs and the economy. Budget Control Act Image - India Fest 2011 - India Fest 2011 - India Fest 2011 - India Fest 2011 - India Fest 2011 - (Photo courtesy of Paul Wilkinson) India Fest 2011 - (Photo courtesy of Paul Wilkinson) India Fest 2011 - (Photo courtesy of Paul Wilkinson) Schock Attends 10th Annual India Fest - Congressman Schock attended the 10th annual India Fest in Peoria on Sunday. The event is organized yearly by the Indo-American Society of Peoria, which also took place on the eve of India's Independence Day. (Photo courtesy of Paul Wilkinson) Liberty Fire Protection District - Liberty Fire Protection District - Liberty Fire Protection District - Liberty Fire Protection District - Liberty Fire Protection District - Schock Visits Liberty Fire Protection District - Congressman Schock visits the Liberty Fire Protection District. In February, the Liberty Fire Protection District was award an Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) to purchase essential equipment such as ventilation fans and mobile CO2 detectors. Tour of the Kroc Center - Tour of the Kroc Center Tour of Kroc Center - Tour of Kroc Center Tour of Kroc Center - Major Jennings, Head of Quincy Salvation Army Tour of Kroc Center - Kroc Center Board Members Jo and Gary Kirlin and Gerry Kettler, President, Salvation Army Tour of Kroc Center - Jo Kirlin, Kroc Center Board Member shows Aaron new exercise room Schock Tour of the Kroc Center - Schock Tours Quincy Salvation Army's Kroc Center - While in Quincy earlier today, Aaron toured the Quincy Salvation Army's newest facility the Kroc Center. Aaron is pictured here with Major Jennings, Head of Quincy Salvation Army. Clich here to see additional photos: http://tinyurl.com/42vbz56 Peoria Riverfront Museum Tour - On Monday, Congressman Schock and NEA Chairman Rocco Landesman toured the Peoria Riverfront Museum construction site. Chairman Landesmans last visited the site in 2009 during his last visit to Peoria. Landesman was in Peoria for the day at the invitation of Congressman Schock to see the progress that has been made since his last visit. Chairman Landesman Speaking at Wildlife Prairie Park - Peoria Riverfront Museum - Peoria Riverfront Museum - Peoria Ballet Rehearsal - Peoria Ballet Rehearsal - Peoria Ballet Rehearsal - Peoria Ballet Rehearsal - Congressman Schock and NEA Chairman Rocco Landesman Visit Peoria Ballet Rehearsal - Chairman Landesman is in Peoria today as a follow up to his last visit in 2009 to meet with individuals and organizations of the Arts community in Central Illinois. Click here to read more: http://tinyurl.com/3ortp54 SS Hearing Screen Shot - Schock Speaks to Ronald Reagan-Close Up Youth Conference - Congressman Schock spoke to 102 students who were in Washington this week participating in the Ronald Reagan-Close Up youth conference. The students participating in the program were nominated by their home state governors. In total at least one student from every state attended the week long conference. Schock spoke to the students about his time in Congress and about his service on the Ronald Reagan Centennial Commission. District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - District Fly-In - Bradley University National Bipartisan Leadership Award - On Monday, Congressman Schock participated in Bradley University's annual "National Bipartisan Leadership Award" Ceremony. The award recognizes a national public servant who has modeled ethical and civil leadership. The award, presented by the Bradley University Institute for Principled Leadeship in Public Service, was given this year to Maryland Congressman Steny Hoyer. Also speaking during the ceremony were former Congressmen Bob Michel and Ray LaHood. Schock meets with Fieldcrest High School Students - Congressman Schock met with students from Fieldcrest High School this week to discuss their involement with Project Ignition team, a national teen safe driving program. The students are members of the Fieldcrest FOCUSED group (Fieldcrest Organization of Citizens Undertaking Safe and Educated Driving.) Schock congratulated the students on their successful outreach and for reaching the status of being named a top 10 team in the country, & thanked them for taking on the ambitious task of discuss safe driving techniques. Jobs Chart - Jobs.Gov Screen Shot - Screen Shot-House Floor-May '11 - Secretary Ginsberg Visi to Peoria's 182 Airlift Wing - Secretary Ginsberg Visi to Peoria's 182 Airlift Wing - Secretary Ginsberg Visi to Peoria's 182 Airlift Wing - Secretary Ginsberg Visi to Peoria's 182 Airlift Wing - Secretary Ginsberg Visi to Peoria's 182 Airlift Wing - Secretary Ginsberg Visi to Peoria's 182 Airlift Wing - Secretary Ginsberg Visi to Peoria's 182 Airlift Wing - Secretary Ginsberg Visi to Peoria's 182 Airlift Wing - Secretary Ginsberg Visi to Peoria's 182 Airlift Wing - Secretary Ginsberg Visi to Peoria's 182 Airlift Wing - Secretary Ginsberg Visi to Peoria's 182 Airlift Wing - Secretary Ginsberg Visi to Peoria's 182 Airlift Wing - Schock welcomes Air Force Assistant Secretary Daniel Ginsberg to Peoria - Congressman Schock and Colonel Robertson welcome Air Force Assistant Secretary Daniel Ginsberg to Peoria during his visit to the 182 Airlift Wing. While on base Secretary Ginsberg toured the facility and discussed the National Guard with the Colonel Robertson and Congressman Schock. Pictured Left to Right: Secretary Daniel Ginsberg, Colonel William Robertson, and Congressman Aaron Schock holding a C-130, from the Peoria 182d. The aircraft was returning from a mission and landing at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan. Schock Attends Jacksonville Turnaround Celebration - Congressman Schock joined with Jacksonville Mayor Andy Ezard on Friday evening in Jacksonville to celebration the completion of the Downtown Turnaround project. Schock, whose district office sits right off the square, praised the community for coming together to revitalize the downtown area. Peoria North Rotary Club Remarks - Peoria North Rotary Club Remarks - Peoria North Rotary Club Remarks - Peoria North Rotary Club Remarks - Schock Addresses Peoria North Rotary Club - Schock Addresses Peoria North Rotary Club - On Thursday, Congressman Schock was in Peoria to address the Peoria North Rotary Club. While there he took questions from the audience, but also spoke about increasing gas prics and the need for a long-term domestic energy strategy. He also discussed the need for the United States to seriously address the country's $14 trillion debt by reducing how much the nation's spends and by reforming our entitlement programs which consume a large portion of the federal budget every year. Schock Visits Quincy Senior High School - On Tuesday, Congressman Schock stopped by Quincy Senior High School to visit with students from the senior class. While there he discussed his work in Washington and urged the students to stay informed about what the government does as it impacts their lives. He also spoke about the looming crisis with the country's $14 trillion nation debt. Schock Visits Quincy Senior High School - Schock Visits Local Business in Decatur - On Tuesday, Congressman Schock visited Airfloat, LLC, located in Decatur. While there he toured the facility and visited with several of the employees. He discussed how important small businesses are to local communities and how vital they are to the overall economy. Schock Visits Rotary Club of Quincy - Schock Visits Airfloat, LLC in Decatur - Schock Addresses Rotary Club of Quincy - On Tuesday, Congressman Schock was in Quincy to address the Rotary club. He discussed the importance of addressing the nation's $14 trillion debt and the need to reform the country's entitlement programs, which are one the largest drivers of deficit spending. Tour of Airfloat, LLC in Decatur - Tour of Airfloat, LLC in Decatur - Tour of Airfloat, LLC in Decatur - Tour of Airfloat, LLC in Decatur - Tour of Airfloat, LLC in Decatur - Congressman Schock Visits the Rotary Club of Quincy - Congressman Schock Visits the Rotary Club of Quincy - Congressman Schock Visits the Rotary Club of Quincy - Congressman Schock Visits the Rotary Club of Quincy - Congressman Schock Visits the Rotary Club of Quincy - Congressman Schock reading to students at Glen Oak and Charter Oak schools - Congressman Schock reading to students at Glen Oak and Charter Oak schools - Congressman Schock reading to students at Glen Oak and Charter Oak schools - Congressman Schock reading to students at Glen Oak and Charter Oak schools - Congressman Schock Participates as Guest Reader - On Thursday, Congressman Schock participated as a guest reader at Glen Oak and Charter Oak elementary schools. He took time to read to the students as well as urged them continue to read on their own. Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Vetereans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - General Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bob Michel Tribute Photos - Congressman Schock with Congressman Bob Michel looking at the tribute photos for the first time hanging in Schock's Peoria office. The tribute photos will hang on display in the Peoria office in honor of Congressman Michel's lifetime of service to our country and the 18th Congressional district of Illinois. Bob Michel Veterans Clinic Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Congressman Schock standing with the namesake of the Veterans Clinic Congressman Bob Michel. Schock said during the ribbon cutting ceremony, "One of our country’s most solemn promises is dedicated to those who serve in our Armed Forces. Our promise to you is, and always has been, that we will never forget you; we will take care of you when you return home. Today is a continuation of that promise." Schock Praises U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement as Pathway for New Opportunities for IL Workers - This month (May), after years of negotiations, which begin in 2006 under the Bush Administration, the implementation of the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) finally becomes effective. (Aaron is pictured here with Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos during a visit to Colombia to discuss the Free Trade agreement) CNBC Screen Shot - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Competition - Congressional Art Show, Overall Winner - Congressman Aaron Schock is pleased to announce the winner of this year’s Congressional Arts Competition: Carolyn May of Washington Community High School. Carolyn’s colored pencil artwork will hang for one year beside works from other Congressional districts in the passageway between the House office buildings and the United States Capitol. Springfield Citizens Club III.jpg - Springfield Citizens Club II.jpg - Springfield Citizens Club I.jpg - Schock Unsustainable Deficits Graph.jpg - Schock Total Spending Pie Chart.jpg - Schock Total Spending Graph.jpg - Peoria Kiwanis Club IV.jpg - Peoria Kiwanis Club III.jpg - Peoria Kiwanis Club II.jpg - Peoria Kiwanis Club I.jpg - Jacksonville Rotary Club II.jpg - Congressman Schock discussing Federal spending during the Jacksonville Rotary club. Jacksonville Rotary Club I.jpg - Congressman Schock speaking to the Jacksonville Rotary Club. Schock Votes for Spending Discipline - The passage of the Budget Control Act represents a serious shift in the mindset of how Washington has approached raising the debt limit. Congress has rightly focused this debate on how much to cut, instead of how much to spend. As a result, the bipartisan legislation cuts trillions of dollars from the debt, doesn’t raise taxes and takes serious steps toward a path of fiscal solvency. This bill also focuses on the critical vote of a balanced budget amendment. Click here to read more: http://tinyurl.com/3reh8xw Unsustainable Deficits - Reague Statue II - Hearing Screen Shot - Roll Call: Rep. Aaron Schock Looks to Build Political Profile - Rep. Aaron Schock's youth and media strategy might not fit the Congressional mold, but neither does the 30-year-old lawmaker, who is using his notoriety to build his legislative and political profile. http://www.rollcall.com/issues/57_97/Rep-Aaron-Schock-Looks-to-Build-Political-Profile-212462-1.html Schock.jpg - Schock 5.jpg - Schock 4.jpg - Schock 3.jpg - UPDATED: Schock Defends Farmers From Aggressive IRS - Aaron, a member of the Ways and Means committee, the chief tax-writing committee in the House, introduced legislation today that ensures farmers in Illinois and around the country are treated with equal fairness by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The Farm Tax Parity Act, would amend the IRS code of 1986 to exclude farm rental income from self-employment taxes, making the tax treatment equitable to any other business in which an owner of property rents such property to their small business. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=300408 Ronald Reagan Centennial Commissioin - As part of the ongoing Reagan Centennial activities, I had the opportunity to meet with two individuals who are extremely active with the centennial events. Left to Right: John Morris (Eureka College, Ronald Reagan Leadership Program & Museum), Congressman Schock, Stewart McLaurin (Executive Director, Reagan Centennial Commission) Meeting with Colombian Vice President Angelino Garzón - Congressman Schock met with Colombian VIce President Angelino Garzón to discuss the pending free trade agreement between the United States and Colombia New Letterhead - Pledge to America Image - Health Care Reform FLoor Speech - swearing with boehner and aaron.JPG - 112th Swearing-In Ceremony - It continues to be a privilege to represent the state of Illinois in the House of Representatives. The opportunity to serve is not a duty I take lightly and I will continue to listen to my constituents as I cast my votes this congress. Schock and Kirk Successful in Preventing the Transfer of GITMO Detainees to Illinois - Today, Senator Mark Kirk, Congressman Aaron Schock and Illinois Congressional Republicans were successful today in defeating a provision secretly inserted at the last minute in the Defense Authorization Bill which would had given new authority to the President to transfer terrorists into the U.S. mainland. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=218512 Schock to Obama Admin: Get over your obsession to ignore Congress on Gitmo/Terrorist Transfers and Civilian Trials for Terrorists - The news that the Administration will release a Somali terrorist detainee from military custody to law enforcement in New York City is an unacceptable and reckless move. This decision contradicts even the administration’s own recent changes in policy to detain and prosecute terrorists in military commissions and at the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba instead of U.S. civilian courts. Click here to read more: http://tinyurl.com/3m2w55c Schock Meets with Military Commanders at Guantanamo Bay - Schock Meets with Military Commanders at Guantanamo Bay Schock given leading voice in House - U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock, who is just entering his second term in the House of Representatives, was appointed Thursday to the most powerful committee in Congress - Ways and Means. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=217458 Schock Presented with Friend of Agriculture Award - Congressman Aaron Schock is presented with the Friend of Agriculture Award from the Illinois Farm Bureau. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=213403 Former First Lady Laura Bush to Join Congressman Aaron Schock at His Annual Summer Reading Celebration - Former First Lady Laura Bush joined Aaron at his celebration event for students who successfully completed his annual Summer Reading Program http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=207847 Schock Goes to Bat for Shadid - Aaron testified in support of the nomination of Judge James Shadid for US District Judge. http://schock.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=206632 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SBC Hearing - Congressman Aaron Schock and Mr. Ned Barrett, President of Direct Logic Solutions in Peoria, after a R and D Tax Credit Hearing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Camp 6 Tour - Congressional delegation members tour Joint Task Force Guantanamo’s Camp 6, June 15, 2009. Camp 6 is a maximum security facility modeled after an existing prison in the United States. Camp 6 - Congressional delegation members tour Joint Task Force Guantanamo’s Camp 6, June 15, 2009. Camp 6 is a maximum security facility modeled after an existing prison in the United States. Camp 5 - Congressional delegation members tour Joint Task Force Guantanamo’s Camp 5, June 15, 2009. Camp 5 is a maximum security facility modeled after an existing prison in the United States. Camp 4 Tour - Congressional delegation members tour Joint Task Force Guantanamo’s Camp 4, June 15, 2009. Camp 4 holds the most compliant detainees. Camp 4 - Congressional delegation members tour Joint Task Force Guantanamo’s Camp 4, June 15, 2009. Camp 4 holds the most compliant detainees. Camp Iguana Tour - Congressional delegation members are briefed on Camp Iguana operations by Joint Task Force Guantanamo leaders, June 15, 2009. The group met with naval station and JTF Guantanamo leaders, toured detention facilities and observed operations. Camp Iguana Operations - Congressional delegation members are briefed on Camp Iguana operations by Joint Task Force Guantanamo leaders, June 15, 2009. The group met with naval station and JTF Guantanamo leaders, toured detention facilities and observed operations. Camp Iguana - Congressional delegation members are briefed on Camp Iguana operations by Joint Task Force Guantanamo leaders, June 15, 2009. The group met with naval station and JTF Guantanamo leaders, toured detention facilities and observed operations. Rear Adm. David Thomas, JTF Guantanamo Commander - Congressional delegation members discuss Joint Task Force Guantanamo operations with Rear Adm. David Thomas, JTF Guantanamo commander, during a boat ride across the bay, June 15, 2009. The members of Congress toured JTF facilities and observed operations during their visit. Press Conference Photo 1 - Congressman Schock speaks at a press conference Press Conference Photo 2 - Congressman Schock signs an autograph Press Conference Photo 3 - Congressman Schock speaking at a press conference. District Photo 1 - Congressman Schock speaking at Whittier Primary School District Photo 2 - Congressman Schock speaking at Whittier Primary School District Photo 3 - Congressman Schock speaking at the Peoria County Farm Bureau Breakfast District Photo 4 - Congressman Schock with Forsyth Mayor Hap Gilbert District Photo 5 - New Salem State Park District Photo 6 - New Salem State Park District Photo 7 - New Salem State Park District Photo 8 - New Salem State Park District Photo 9 - New Salem State Park District Photo 10 - New Salem State Park District Photo 11 - Sangamon River in Menard County District Photo 12 - Sangamon River in Menard County District Photo 13 - Bridge crossing the Illinois River at Havana District Photo 14 - Emiquon District Photo 15 - Emiquon District Photo 16 - Emiquon District Photo 17 - Emiquon District Photo 18 - Emiquon District Photo 19 - Emiquon District Photo 20 - Emiquon River Photo 1 - Congressman Schock visits with local city officials to discuss the Beardstown River and wetlands. River Photo 2 - Congressman Schock visits with local city officials to discuss the Beardstown River and wetlands. River Photo 3 - Congressman Schock visits with local city officials to discuss the Beardstown River and wetlands. River Photo 4 - Congressman Schock visits with local city officials to discuss the Beardstown River and wetlands. River Photo 5 - Congressman Schock visits with local city officials to discuss the Beardstown River and wetlands. River Photo 6 - Congressman Schock visits with local city officials to discuss the Beardstown River and wetlands. River Photo 7 - Congressman Schock visits with local city officials to discuss the Beardstown River and wetlands. River Photo 8 - Congressman Schock visits with local city officials to discuss the Beardstown River and wetlands. Schock Offers and Passes Amendment to Help Delay new Flood Maps - Congressman Schock successfully passed an amendment to the Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2011, to delay the implementation of new FEMA imposed Flood Maps for five years. The underlying legislation delayed the new maps from taking affect for 3 years, arguing that wasn’t enough time for small communities to raise the necessary funds and make levee improvements. Click here to read more: http://tinyurl.com/6yt24la River Photo 10 - Congressman Schock visits with local city officials to discuss the Beardstown River and wetlands. River Photo 11 - Congressman Schock visits with local city officials to discuss the Beardstown River and wetlands. River Photo 12 - Congressman Schock visits with local city officials to discuss the Beardstown River and wetlands. River Photo 13 - Congressman Schock visits with local city officials to discuss the Beardstown River and wetlands. River Photo 14 - Congressman Schock visits with local city officials to discuss the Beardstown River and wetlands. River Photo 15 - Congressman Schock visits with local city officials to discuss the Beardstown River and wetlands. River Photo 16 - Congressman Schock visits with local city officials to discuss the Beardstown River and wetlands. River Photo 17 - Congressman Schock visits with local city officials to discuss the Beardstown River and wetlands. School Photo 1 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 2 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 3 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 4 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 5 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 6 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 7 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 8 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 9 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 10 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 11 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 12 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 13 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 14 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 15 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 16 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 17 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 18 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 19 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 20 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 21 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 22 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 23 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 24 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 25 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 26 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 27 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 28 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 29 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 30 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 31 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 32 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 33 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 34 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 35 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 36 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 37 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 38 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 39 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 40 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 41 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 42 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 43 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 44 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 45 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 46 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 47 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 48 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 49 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 50 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 51 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 52 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 53 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 54 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 55 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 56 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 57 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 58 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 59 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 60 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 61 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 62 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 63 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 64 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 65 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 66 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 67 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 68 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 69 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 70 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 71 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 72 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 73 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 74 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 75 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 76 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 77 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 78 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 79 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 80 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 81 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 82 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 83 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 84 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 85 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 86 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 87 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 88 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 89 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 90 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 91 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 92 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 93 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 94 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 95 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 96 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 97 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 98 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 99 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 100 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 101 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 102 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 103 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 104 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 105 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 106 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 107 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 108 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 109 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 110 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 111 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 112 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 113 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 114 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 115 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 116 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 117 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 118 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 119 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 120 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 121 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 122 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 123 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 124 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 125 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 126 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 127 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 128 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 129 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 130 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 131 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 132 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 133 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 134 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 135 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 136 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 137 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 138 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 139 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 140 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 141 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 142 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 143 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 144 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 145 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 146 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 147 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 148 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. School Photo 149 - Congressman Schock visits with students and staff at Whittier Elementary and Peoria NEXT. Art Competition - From left to right: Congressman Schock, art teacher Jennifer Chism, the student winner Tiffanie Bell, Tiffanie’s mother Valerie Bell and Tiffanie’s son Bryson. West Side of Capitol - View of the Capitol looking West. Capitol Dome - View of the Northeast section of the Capitol Dome. Capitol Spring - The Capitol on a clear spring day.


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