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Woolsey Urges Open Process Regarding Tiger Salamander

PETALUMA, CA -- Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Petaluma) today, sent a letter to the Santa Rosa Plains Conservation Strategy Team urging them to open their meetings to the public. Said Rep. Woolsey, “it is evident to me that even the best made plan for the permanent protection of the Tiger Salamander, that also allows for appropriate development, will go astray without public confidence. I urge the members of the Strategy Team to open their meetings to the public and the press, and take whatever other measures necessary to ensure public support for your efforts.”

The following is Rep. Woolsey’s letter to the facilitator of the Santa Rosa Plains Conservation Strategy Team:

Dear Mr. Brauner,

I want to thank the members of the Santa Rosa Plains Conservation Strategy Team for holding a public meeting May 24 to better inform the public about your purpose and goals. The Strategy Team has a tough job ahead fashioning a strategy that will lead to permanent protection of the Sonoma County population of the California Tiger Salamander and vernal pool plant species that will also allow for appropriate development. You will succeed when you develop a strategy that is scientifically sound, and consistent with federal and state law – and, accepted by the public.

Before the listing of the California Tiger Salamander, I called on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to work with local officials and the public to develop conservation plans and to consult with local experts, including biologists at SSU. Public participation was also an important part of my Vernal Pools Task Force which made mitigation banking possible in the region and laid the groundwork for today’s conservation planning.

As you know, the listing and strategies for recovery of the Tiger Salamander is a contentious issue, easily politicized and polarized. And as was made abundantly clear at the public meeting, people from all sides of the issue have concerns that important decisions are being made behind closed doors. The Strategy Team took some important steps in meeting these concerns by deciding to make the Strategy Team’s summary minutes available online; promising to convene another meeting when the Strategy Plan is completed; choosing to have the plan peer reviewed by qualified experts; and extending the deadline for completion of the plan.

These are positive steps, but they still lack one very basic component to build public confidence in the plan. The public should be allowed to attend your meetings, if only to observe. As for attendance by the press, responsible reporting on the honest debate that ensues at your meetings will add to, not detract from the credibility of the Team and its efforts.

It is evident to me that even the best made plan will go astray without public confidence. I urge the members Strategy Team to open your meetings to the public and take whatever other measures necessary to ensure public support for your efforts.


Lynn Woolsey
Member of Congress