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Woolsey Statement on Sense of Congress Resolution on Situation in Gaza

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) today issued the following statement after the vote on H.Res. 34, a bill expressing the sense of the Congress on the current conflict in Gaza:

“As someone who has always been committed to a two-state solution in the Middle East that guarantees Israel’s security and provides self-determination for the Palestinians, I do not believe that the resolution put forth today succeeds in moving us closer to either goal.  It will neither increase the security of the Israeli civilians at risk of rocket attacks, nor will it address the immediate and dire humanitarian needs of the thousands of Palestinians who have been caught in the recent crossfire.  Instead of simply condemning the violence, we must act to end it.  The United States must join with its international partners, and use every resource at our disposal, to bring both sides together in adopting an immediate cease-fire and an end to hostilities.  In addition, we must recommit ourselves to working with all parties to find a long-term solution to this crisis, which has unfortunately been all but ignored by President Bush and his administration over the past eight years.  The US must be an honest broker in these negotiations and today’s resolution is untimely in light of round the clock diplomatic efforts to obtain a cease-fire.”