Information about “all things ARM” is readily available through ARM’s comprehensive website. In addition to this online resource, high-quality print products are developed throughout the year to help communicate with new collaborators, stakeholders, and public audiences.

The latest edition of the ARM Climate Research Facility Annual Report was published in December 2011. The report contains a short overview of the ARM Facility, then numerous accomplishments for the year including featured field campaigns, key research results, and infrastructure achievements. The report provides a summary of 2011 field campaigns conducted throughout the ARM Facility and a summary of publications using ARM data. This report reflects the Facility's success in contributing to climate model improvements and in providing advanced scientific capabilities for the interdisciplinary study of global climate change.

Another big accomplishment in 2011 was the culmination of effort for the $60 million investment from the Recovery Act. The new Recovery Act Enhancements brochure summarizes the new and upgraded instrumentation, equipment, and infrastructure throughout the ARM Facility. In particular, it highlights the scientific impact at each ARM site, key instruments, and resulting new data that will be used to improve the atmospheric data sets used in regional and global climate models.

Also available each year are brochures associated with major ARM field campaigns. "Campaign backgrounders" provide summary information about the science objectives and instrumentation involved in ARM's more complex campaigns. A few examples from the past year include:

For more information or to obtain a hard copy of these products, please contact Lynne Roeder.