Space Weather for Aviation Service Providers
NOAA National Weather Service Space Weather Prediction Center

24 hour Forecast issued Sep 27 2100 UTC, Geophysical Alert Message

Solar-terrestrial indices for 27 September follow.
Solar flux 133 and estimated planetary A-index 5.
The estimated planetary K-index at 2100 UTC on 27 September was 1.

No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours.

No space weather storms are predicted for the next 24 hours.

Latest 3-day Solar Weather Forecast

NOAA Scale
Geomagnetic Storms
Solar Radiation Storms
Radio Blackouts

POES Auroral Activity Estimate
Latest POES auroral activity estimate
Effects: HF Radio propagation, Aurora boundaries
Global D-Region Absorption Prediction
Latest Global D-Region Absorption Prediction map
Effects: HF Radio communications

Estimated Planetary K-index
Latest Estimated Planetary Kp plot
Effects: HF Radio propagation
GOES-15 Proton Flux
Latest GOES Proton plot
Effects: HF Radio communications,
Indicator of radiation risk
GOES X-ray Flux
Latest GOES Xray Flux plot
Effects: HF Radio communications

Space Weather Alerts of interest to Aviation users, issued in past 24 hours
No space weather aviation alerts issued in the past 24 hours

Last page update 2012 Sep 27 2347 UTC. This page automatically reloads every minute but not all displays are created at that rate. See User Guide for individual display update rates. Note: use browser Reload when returning to this page to ensure latest data.

The Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) Space Weather for Aviation Service Providers web site is designed for the aviation community to communicate space weather information in terms that are easy to interpret and understand. Solar events can have a detrimental impact on airlines and ground equipment. Space weather storms can result in lost or degraded communications, unreliable navigational equipment, flight-critical electronic system problems, and radiation hazards to crew and passengers.

Displays show the most recent data available at SWPC. See the sample web page which shows how the page looked during the high solar activity in September 2005. See Data and Products for earlier data.

The Space Weather for Aviation Service Providers web page is described in its Product Description Document. The Feedback Form can be used for comments, questions and suggestions.

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