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Methodology Papers

Descriptions of the methodologies used to prepare BEA's National, Industry, Regional, and International accounts data are accessible on this page.

Note: These methodologies are periodically refined to incorporate new and better source data and improved estimating procedures. The refinements are described in articles in BEA's monthly Survey of Current Business (SCB) that present annual or comprehensive revisions to the estimates.

National Accounts


Consumer Spending

Private Investment

Government Transactions

Corporate Profits

Comprehensive Revisions of the GDP accounts

Other Topics

(See also: Analytical and Presentational Articles from the National Accounts)

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Industry Accounts

(See also: Analytical and Presentational Articles from the Industry Accounts)

Gross domestic product by industry

  A Primer on BEA’s Industry Accounts (PDF) | May 2011  
  Preview of the Comprehensive Revision of the Annual Industry Accounts (PDF) | SCB, March 2010  
  Experimental Quarterly U.S. Gross Domestic Product by Industry Statistics (PDF) | SCB, February 2010  
  Integrating the 2002 Benchmark Input-Output Accounts and the 2002 Annual Industry Accounts | SCB, December 2007 (PDF - KB)
  Gross Domestic Product by Industry for 1947-86:  New Estimates Based on the North American Industry Classification System | SCB, December 2005 (PDF - KB)
  Annual Industry Accounts: Introducing KLEMS Input Estimates for 1997-2003 | SCB, September 2005 (PDF - KB)
  Gross Domestic Product by Industry for 1987-2000: New Estimates on the North American Industry Classification System | SCB, November 2004 (PDF - KB)
  Preview of the Comprehensive Revision of the Annual Industry Accounts: Integrating the Annual Input-Output Accounts and the Gross-Domestic-Product-by-Industry Accounts | SCB, March 2004 (PDF - KB)
  Priorities for Industry Accounts | SCB, November 2000 (PDF - KB)
  Improved Estimates of Gross Product by Industry for 1947-98 | SCB, June 2000 (PDF - KB)
  Gross Product by Industry Price Measures 1977-96 | SCB, March 1998  (PDF - KB)

Annual Input-output

  Preview of the Comprehensive Revision of the Annual Industry Accounts (PDF) | SCB, March 2010  
  Experimental Quarterly U.S. Gross Domestic Product by Industry Statistics (PDF) | SCB, February 2010  
  A Primer on BEA’s Industry Accounts (PDF) | SCB, June 2009  
  Integrating the 2002 Benchmark Input-Output Accounts and the 2002 Annual Industry Accounts | SCB, December 2007 (PDF - KB)
  Preview of the Comprehensive Revision of the Annual Industry Accounts: Integrating the Annual Input-Output Accounts and the Gross-Domestic-Product-by-Industry Accounts | SCB, March 2004 (PDF - KB)
  Priorities for Industry Accounts | SCB, November 2000 (PDF - KB)
  Annual Input-Output Accounts of the U.S. Economy, 1996 | SCB, January 2000 (PDF - KB)

Benchmark input-output

  Integrating the 2002 Benchmark Input-Output Accounts and the 2002 Annual Industry Accounts | SCB, December 2007 (PDF - KB)
  U.S. Benchmark Input-Output Accounts, 2002 | October 2007 (PDF - KB)
  Concepts and Methods of the U.S. Input-Output Accounts | September 2006 (PDF - KB)
  Preview of the Benchmark Input-Output Accounts for 2002: Preliminary Estimates of Gross Output, Proposed Classification Framework | SCB, September 2005 (PDF - KB)
  Benchmark Input-Output Accounts of the United States, 1997 | SCB, December 2002 (PDF - KB)
  Methodology and Appendixes, Benchmark Input-output Accounts of the United States, 1992 | September 1998 (PDF - KB)

Capital flow

  Business Investment by Industry in the U.S. Economy for 1997 | SCB, November 2003 (PDF - KB)
  Investment in New Structures and Equipment in 1992 by Using Industries | SCB, December 1998 (PDF - KB)

Satellite industry accounts

  2007 R&D Satellite Account Methodologies: Current-dollar GDP Estimates (PDF - KB)
  Methodology for the Industry Estimates in the 2007 R&D Satellite Account (PDF - KB)
  Estimating Prices for R&D Investment in the 2007 R&D Satellite Account (PDF - KB)
  R&D Depreciation Rates in the 2007 R&D Satellite Account (PDF - KB)
  U.S. Travel and Tourism Satellite Accounts for 1998–2006 | SCB, June 2007 
(PDF - KB)
  A Proposal To Include Motor Vehicle Services in the U.S. Travel and Tourism Satellite Accounts | SCB, June 2007 
(PDF - KB)
  BEA’s 2006 Research and Development Satellite Account: Preliminary Estimates for 1959-2002; Effect on GDP and Other Measures | SCB, December 2006 
(PDF - KB)
   Tables (PDF - KB)
  R&D Satellite Account: Preliminary Estimates | September 2006 (PDF - KB)
  U.S. Travel and Tourism Satellite Accounts for 2002-2005 | SCB, June 2006  (PDF - KB)
  U.S. Travel and Tourism Satellite Accounts for 2001-2004 | SCB, June 2005 (PDF - KB)
  U.S. Travel and Tourism Satellite Accounts for 1998-2003 | SCB, September 2004 (PDF - KB)
  U.S. Transportation Satellite Accounts for 1996 | SCB, May 2000 (PDF - KB)

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Regional Accounts

(See also: Analytical and Presentational Articles from the Regional Accounts)

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by state

  Gross Domestic Product by state estimation methodology | October 2006

State and local area methodology publications

State Personal Income and Employment | September 2012  
 Local Area Personal Income and Employment  | April 2012  

Comprehensive revisions of personal income, articles from the SCB

Comprehensive Revision of State Personal Income | SCB, November 2009 (PDF - KB)
Comprehensive Revision of Gross State Product, Advance Statistics for 2009 and Revised Statistics for 1963-2008 | SCB, December 2010 (PDF - KB)
Comprehensive Revision of Local Area Personal Income | SCB, May 2010 (PDF - KB)

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International Accounts

Balance of Payments, Services and IIP

(See also: Analytical and Presentational Articles from the International Accounts)