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House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) today cited this morning’s disappointing GDP report as further evidence of President Obama’s failure to lead and the need for presidential leadership that will lead Washington towards solutions that get our economy moving again:

September 27, 2012

Several editorials from the areas most deeply affected by the president’s assault on coal-fired energy are taking the administration to task, and urging Senate Democrats to act on the House-passed Stop the War on Coal Act to help protect American jobs:

September 26, 2012

Here’s a look at how the president is making a dismal economy even tougher for middle-class Americans:

September 24, 2012

Speaker John Boehner today highlighted the action Republicans are taking to advance a pro-growth, pro-jobs agenda, cut spending and change the way Washington works.

September 21, 2012

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) released the following statement applauding House passage of the Stop the War on Coal Act:

September 21, 2012
A Reformer Who Took on the Establishment

Elected to Congress in 1990, John quickly became a voice for reform in Congress. First, he adopted a "no earmarks" policy that he carries with him to this day. And as part of the "Gang of Seven", he and fellow lawmakers took on the House establishment - Democrats and Republicans. Together, they successfully closed the scandal-riddled House Bank, uncovered "dine-and-dash" practices at the House Restaurant, and exposed drug sales and cozy cash-for-stamps deals at the House Post Office.

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