Coal Miner Employment and Domestic Energy Infrastructure Protection Act (H.R. 3409)
February 29, 2012 Full Committee Markup

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 29, 2012 -

Coal Miner Employment and Domestic Energy Infrastructure Protection Act (H.R. 3409)
February 29, 2012 Full Committee Markup

Reporting H.R. 3409 Out of Committee (Passed 26-18. View Roll Call Vote)
This job-saving bill would prohibit the Secretary of the Interior from approving any new rules or regulations that could adversely impact employment in coal mines, cause a reduction in federal, state or tribal revenue from coal mining, or diminish the ability of the American people to produce coal.

Holt Amendment #001 (Failed 18-26. View Roll Call Vote)
This amendment would place limitations on the underlying bill that would render it ineffective.