Press Release


Rep. Bishop Responds to Supreme Court Decision

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Jun 28 -

WASHINGTON– Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that found the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to be constitutional under Congress’ taxing power, Congressman Rob Bishop (Ut-01) issued the following statement:

“I am disappointed by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision.  I’ve voted to fully repeal ObamaCare and will do so again to stop this monumental shift in government control over our lives.

“The Court’s decision illustrates one of the most egregious aspects of ObamaCare, that it is a massive tax on the American people during one of the most challenging economic times in our nation’s history.  One of the primary healthcare concerns of families and small businesses is the cost of health care. Republicans in Congress have proposed hundreds of reforms that among other things will also lower costs. These reforms ensure that the American people, not Washington, make their own health care decisions.

“A one size fits all approach works when you need one solution for one problem. With regards to healthcare, Americans want choices and options to address their unique and diverse needs. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act tramples on the rights of Americans to tailor their healthcare coverage.  States and the American people, not Washington bureaucrats, are best suited to address our country’s healthcare needs.

“While this is certainly not the decision we were hoping to hear, it does not mean this fight is over.  This massive tax is the wrong direction for this country and every aspect of this law will continue to be reviewed, scrutinized, and reformed. Leaving the bill as it exists today is simply not an option.”

In a September 2009 interview with George Stephanopoulos, President Obama said with regards to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act:

 "Nobody considers that a tax increase."






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