Happy 225th Birthday to the U.S. Constitution!

Posted by dthigpen in In The News

“On this day in 1787, our Founding Fathers signed the single most important document in American history – the U.S. Constitution. At 4,400 words it is both the oldest and the shortest written constitution of all major governments. Today, more than ever, I remain committed to restoring our Founders visions of a limited government, individual liberty, and states’ rights. It was Jefferson’s belief that if we apply the principles of the Constitution, the knot will always untie itself.  This was true then and it remains true now.”  – Rep. John Culberson

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Responses to “Happy 225th Birthday to the U.S. Constitution!”

  1. Bob Thompson says:

    My mother in-law is 92YO, she’s less than 1/3 the age of our Republic. I told my kids that their Mom and I have lived about only 1/4th of the age of our Republic. I told them that the may see the end of the great experience in individual liberty. The standard model is tyranny.

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