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STAND-TO! Edition: Wednesday, September 12 2012

Today's Focus:

Vehicle Power (Tactical)

Senior Leaders are Saying

In the past 11 years, the National Guard has seen its role in our nation's defense evolve from a strategic reserve to an operational force. The attacks of 11 years ago today and the subsequent wars have thrust the National Guard into the front lines of our nation's defense overnight. We now have the most competent, relevant and battle-tested National Guard in the history of the nation.

- Gen. Frank Grass, the chief of the National Guard Bureau, citing the National Guard's track record in the years since 9/11, to attendees at the 134th General Conference of the National Guard Association of the United States.

Grass: National Guard solution to problems in fiscally constrained times

What They're Saying

The attacks have forever changed our nation. It was, as some historians say, 'the end of innocence for America.'

- Lt. Col. Frank Sobchak, the USAG-Natick commander, as the guest speaker at the Natick Soldier Systems Center during the Patriot Day remembrance, looks back on 9/11, when he was a Soldier attending graduate school at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

Natick Soldier Systems Center remembers 9/11


150 Years: The Battle of Gettysburg: The American Civil War


National Preparedness Month: STAND-TO!
Suicide Prevention Month: STAND-TO!
and related site
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Today's Focus

Vehicle Power (Tactical)

What is it?

Vehicle Power (Tactical) is the fuel and energy required by air and ground combat vehicles, to support Soldiers in carrying out their missions.

What is the Army doing?

The Army is improving efficiency and performance in Tactical Ground Vehicles by incorporating the latest advanced energy technology into our new vehicle and fleet modernization requirements and funding processes.

The Army is developing Advanced Energy Technologies for Heavy and Medium Combat and Light Tactical Vehicles in the areas of: Auxiliary Power Units, Alternative Fuels, On-Board Vehicle Power, Fuel Cells and Micro-grid systems, Fuel Efficient Demonstrator Models and Hybrid Technologies.

The Army is making huge strides in the identification of power efficient strategies with the Fuel Efficient Ground-Vehicle Demonstrator.

Additionally, we are improving efficiency and performance in Tactical Air Vehicles developing energy-efficient engines and enhanced helicopter rotors to reduce energy use, increase load capacity, versatility and sustainability.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future?

The Army is researching technologies which could be applied to improve efficiency of our air and land vehicles, tactical and non-tactical fleets.

By the end of next year, our tactical vehicles and generators will be certified to operate on alternative fuel blends. We will be ready take advantage of these fuels when industry can produce them at a volume and price we can afford.

As part of the road testing of technologies and systems, the Army will launch a Green Warrior Convoy from Detroit to Washington DC. This convoy of technologies is designed to highlight Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics careers. It will serve as part of a continued power and energy program to test and move out aggressively on energy efficient technologies across our Soldier, Basing and Vehicle Power platforms in support of our War fighters.

Why is this important to the Army?

No longer can we assume unhindered access to sufficient fossil fuels to support military operations.

The sheer volume of fossil fuels needed to maintain operations constitutes the majority of our logistical tail. Currently 70-80 percent of the resupply weight in theater is fuel and water, with 18 percent of U.S. casualties in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom related to ground resupply.

The outcome of all of these efforts will be more fuel efficient vehicles for combat, better fuel management systems, and alternative fuels, which will reduce our logistical footprint and provide our Soldiers flexibility, agility, and longevity on the battlefield.


Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy and Environment)
Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center
Army Energy News
Environmental News
Energy Initiatives Task Force
Net Zero Public site

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