Bloomberg Government: Periscope Maker Closes as Small Vendors Head for Fiscal Cliff
September 20, 2012  - Periscope Maker Closes as Small Vendors Head for Fiscal Cliff September 20, 2012 12:00AM ET | Bloomberg Government (Bloomberg) -- After a half-century of making periscopes for armored vehicles, Miller-holzwarth Inc. shut down, having struggled with U.S. military budget cuts and the threat of more re...More

Sequestration Will Slash Nearly a Million Small Business Jobs
September 20, 2012  - The Small Business Committee today held a hearing on the effects of sequestration on small business contractors and the industrial base. The hearing’s testimony included new data that shows that of the 2.14 million jobs at risk, 956,000 small business jobs will most likely be cut as a result of sequ...More

Still Time To Save Small Businesses
September 20, 2012  - Still time to save small businesses By Rep. Allen West Thursday September 20, 2012 Our nation has a defining choice to make, and time is short. The Pentagon is bracing for devastating cuts through sequestration. For the sake of national security, jobs and the next generation, we must stop this in i...More

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