Homeland Security Transportation Security Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on Innovative Ideas for Transportation Security

Washington, D.C. – The Homeland Security Subcommittee on Transportation Security, chaired by Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL), will hold a hearing entitled “Challenging the Status Quo at TSA: Perspectives on the Future of Transportation Security” tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. in 311 Cannon House Office Building.

Nearly 11 years after 9/11, terrorists continue to target our nation’s transportation systems.  Tomorrow’s hearing will examine new and innovative ways to secure critical transportation infrastructure.  Members will have the opportunity to hear from a panel of expert witnesses on how to better protect aviation and surface systems.  In addition, witnesses will suggest ways to reform the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to make it more agile in order to best respond to evolving threats.

Rogers said: "The purpose of this hearing is to identify effective new ways to secure critical transportation infrastructure.  Terrorists remain intent on attacking our transportation systems and are constantly evolving their tactics based on our security measures.  Unfortunately, TSA has become a slow-moving, oversized bureaucratic agency in need of reform.  During the hearing, outside experts will offer ideas on how to better protect aviation and surface systems, streamline the security process, and reform TSA to become the leaner, smarter, intelligence-driven, professional entity its mission requires."

WHAT:              Subcommittee Hearing: Challenging the Status Quo at TSA: Perspectives on the Future of Transportation Security

WHEN:              12:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 10, 2012

WHERE:            311 Cannon House Office Building

                        **Live video feed will be available HERE

Opening statements, witness testimony, and the live video feed will be available HERE.

Witness List:

Dr. Richard Bloom
Associate Vice President for Academics
Director of Terrorism, Espionage, and Security Studies
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Mr. Robert Poole
Searle Freedom Trust Transportation Fellow
Director of Transportation Policy
Reason Foundation

Mr. Rick "Ozzie" Nelson
Senior Fellow and Director
Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Program
Center for Strategic and International Studies

Mr. Tom Blank
Executive Vice President
Gephardt Government Affairs

Ms. Colby Alonso
Association of Flight Attendants
