Subcommittee Hearing: Last Line of Defense: the Federal Air Marshal Service 10 Years After 9/11

Subcommittee on Transportation Security | 311 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 | Feb 16, 2012 2:00pm

Opening Statements

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL), Subcommittee Chairman

[full text of opening statement]


Mr. Robert S. Bray
Assistant Administrator for Law Enforcement
Director, Federal Air Marshal Service
Transportation Security Administration
[full text of testimony]

Mr. Michael Novak
Assistant Administrator
Training and Workforce Engagement
Transportation Security Administration
[full text of testimony]

Mr. Roderick J. Allison
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Law Enforcement
Deputy Director, Federal Air Marshal Service
Transportation Security Administration
[full text of testimony]

Mr. Charles K. Edwards
Acting Inspector General
Office of the Inspector General
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
[full text of testimony]