SMDC/ARSTRAT Fact sheets

25K Transportable Target Launcher (25K TTL)
Advanced Battery Technology (ABT)
Advanced Extended Range Attack Missile
Advanced Research Center
Advanced Measurements Optical Range (AMOR)
Advanced Warfare Environment (AWarE)
Agile Kill Vehicle Program (AKV)
Air & Missile Defense Developmental Testing Facility (AMDDTF)
Air and Missile Defense Explorer (AMD Explorer)
All-Weather Radio Frequency Launch Detection System (AWRFLD)
Applied Data Analysis Center
Army Service Component Command
Army Space Master Plan
Army Space Personnel Development Office (ASPDO)
Composite and Advanced Materials Program (CAM)
Coal-Based Carbon Foam
Command Responder (CR)
Deployable Satellite Communication Terminal (DSCT)
Directorate of Combat Development
Discriminatory Imaging and Network Advancement for Missiles, Aviation, and Space (ImageNet)
Eagle Vision & ROVER Responsive Exploitation of Space Products for Tactical Use (EVR2EST)
Economical Target-1 (ET-1)
Explosive Pulsed Power For Munitions and Warheads (EPP)
Exportable Combat Training Center (ECTC)
Extended Air Defense Simulation (EADSIM)
Future Warfare Center (FWC)
Geospatial Information Interoperability Exploitation-Portable System (GIIEP)
High Altitude Efforts (HA)
High Energy Density Ferroelectric Ceramics for Explosive Pulsed Power Applications (FERROELECTRIC)
High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator (HEL MD)
High Energy Laser Component Technology (HEL CT)
High Energy Laser Lethality
High Energy Density Ferroelectric Ceramics for Explosive Pulsed Power Applications (FEG)
HELSTF Vacuum Test System
Integration Modeling with Adaptively Generated Entities (IMAGE)
Interdisciplinary Application of Medical & Missile Defense Technology
Joint Awareness Warfighter-Space (JAWS)
Joint Embedded Messaging System (JEMS)
Joint Interoperability Assessment Model
Kestrel Eye Visible Imagery Nanosatellite Technology Demonstration (KESTREL EYE)
Kill Assessment
Lethality Division
Long Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle (LEMV)

Low Cost Interceptor
Multipurpose NanoMissile System (MNMS)
Radar Systems Technology
Readiness Assessment Test Systems (RATS)
Reagan Test Site (RTS)
Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site Distributed Operations (RTS RDO)
Simulation Center (SimCtr)
SMDC - Operational Nanosatellite Effects (Technology Demonstration) (SMDC-ONE)
Space Battlefield Integration and Data Exploitation Environment (SBIDEE)
Space M&S Focus Area Collaborative Team
Space & Missile Defense Command -Army Forces
Space One Semi Automated Forces (OneSAF) Co-development Lab
Studies and Analysis Division
Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM)
Soldier-Warfighter Operationally Responsive Deployer for Space (SWORDS)
Tactical Ground Station
Technical Center
Technology Program Management Model (TPMM)
Test Execution Support Division (TESD)
TRADOC Capability Manager for Space and Global Missile Defense (TCM SGMD)
UAH/Aerophysics Reseach Center
U.S. Army Space & Missile Defense Command
Vertical/Horizontal Integration of Space Technologies & Applications (VISTA)

Tri-fold Brochures

Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense
Office of Small Business Programs
U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command

Mission, Vision & Goal

USASMDC/ARSTRAT conducts space and missile defense operations and provides planning, integration, control and coordination of Army forces and capabilities in support of U.S. Strategic Command missions (strategic deterrence, integrated missile defense, and space operations); serves as the Army force modernization proponent for space, high altitude and global missile defense; serves as the Army operational integrator for global missile defense; and conducts mission-related research and development in support of Army Title 10 responsibilities.

USASMDC/ARSTRAT – a diverse, complex, and global command that provides critical capabilities to our Army, USSTRATCOM, COCOMs/ASCCs; in synch with JFCC-IMD  Read More...

Command Goal
To provide dominant space and missile defense capabilities for the Army and to plan for and integrate those capabilities in support of U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) and Geographic Combatant Commanders (GCC) missions.


Events & Conferences

August 13-16
15th Space and Missile Defense Conference

July 30-August 2
Army Space Cadre Symposium

July 30-August 2
National Fire Control Symposium

October 22-24
AUSA Annual Meeting and Expo