Indian Affairs | Consultation


Current Tribal Consultations 

Indian Affairs Administative Organizational Assessment

Tribal Consultation Meeting Minutes

April 26, 2012 - Tribal Consultation Meeting on Administrative Assessment, BIA & BIE Streamlining, Airway Heights, Washington - pdf 1.226 kb

April 27, 2012- Johnson  O'Malley Student Count Update and Draft SF-424B Assurance Statements - pdf 432 kb

April  19, 2012- Tribal Consultation Meeting on Administrative Assessment, Fort McDowell, Arizona - 1,597kb

April  20, 2012 - Tribal Consultation Meeting, Fort McDowell Arizona - pdf 855 kb

April 12, 2012 - Volume 1, Miccosukee Resort and Gaming, Miami,  Florida - pdf 691 kb

May 10, 2012 - Volume 2, Choctaw Casino Resort, Durant Oklahoma - pdf 572 kb

May 3, 2012 - Rapid City, South Dakota - pdf 2,237 kb

May 4, 2012 - Rapid City, South Dakota - pdf 826 kb

May 17, 2012 - Lincoln, California - pdf 1,423 kb

May 18, 2012 - Lincoln, California - pdf 1,174 kb

May 23, 2012 - Anchorage, Alaska - pdf 852 kb

Final Report: Examination, Evaluation, And Recommendation for Support Functions - March 2012 - pdf 3.17 mb - click here to download the report.

Tribal Leader Letter, April 16, 2012 - Anchorage, AK Consultation Meeting Information - pdf 39kb

Tribal Leader Letter - Administrative Organizational Assessment Report - March 6, 2012 -  pdf 617kb

Tribal Leader Letter - Administrative Organizational Assessment Report Consultation Schedule - March 26, 2012 - pdf 43 kb

Executive Summary for Tribal Consultations -  April/May 2012 - pdf 233kb

Assessment Study Recommendations - April / May 2012 - 1, 126kb

Tribal Consultations Agenda - April / May 2012 - pdf 86kb

BIA Streamlining Tribal Consultations

BIA Tribal Consultations Agenda - April / May 2012 - pdf 86kb

BIA Tribal Consultations Briefing Document - April / May 2012 - pdf 5, 387kb

Tribal Consultations Agenda - April / May 2012 - pdf 86kb

BIE Streamlining Tribal Consultations

Summary Sheet for Assurances P.L. 100-297 Tribally Controlled School Grants - pdf 78kb

Draft Assurances Focus Group Document  - pdf 90kb

Johnson-O'Malley Update on BIE Count Program Funding - pdf 11kb

Tribal Consultations Agenda - April / May 2012 - pdf 86kb

BIA Tribal Consultations Agenda - April / May 2012 - pdf 86kb



Bureau of Indian Education - U.S. Department of Education Memorandum of Understanding

Tribal Letter, April 16, 2012 - BIE-U.S. Department of Education MOU Consultation - pdf 596kb

Memorandum of Understanding - pdf 362kb 

MOU-Appendix - pdf 45kb

Consultation Meeting Minutes

Nashville, TN - May 18, 2012 - pdf 221 kb

Flagstaff, Arizona - May 24, 2012 - pdf 494 kb

Bloomington, Minnesota - May 31, 2012 - pdf 250 kb

Lincoln, California - June 5, 2012 - pdf 1.14 mb

BIE Flexibility Waiver Request from sections of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

Buy Indian Act

Federal Register Notice - Acquisition Regulations; Buy Indian Act; Procedures for Contracting - July 26, 2012, pdf 250 kb

Dear Tribal Leader Letter on consultation schedule, locations and dates - June 29, 2012 - pdf 779 kb

Archived Material

Sacred Sites on Federal Lands

Dear Tribal Leaders Letter -  July 27, 2012 - pdf 406 kb

Federal Register Notice on Listening Sessions - July 27, 2012 - pdf 312 kb

Federal Register Notice on Listening Sessions - September 11, 2012 - pdf  188 kb

Proposed Revisions to the Leasing Regulations to 25 CFR 162

Transcripts of Consultation Sessions

Tribal Leasing Consultation Session - Seattle, WA, January 10, 2012 - pdf 385 kb

Tribal Leasing Consultation Session - Palm Springs, CA, January 12, 2012 - pdf 948 kb

Tribal Leasing Consultation Session - Rapid City, SD, January 18, 2012 - pdf 264 kb

Tribal Leaders Letter - November 28, 2011 - pdf 934 kb

Proposed Rule - Federal Register - pdf 365 kb

Supplemental Proposed Residential, Business, and Wind and Solar Leasing Regulations - pdf 77kb

Response to Comments Received During Tribal Consultation - pdf 149 kb

Leasing Comparison Chart Between Current Leasing Rule and Proposed Leasing Rule - pdf 49 kb

Frequently Asked Questions on Proposed Leasing Regulations - pdf 62 kb

Redlined Version of the Proposed Part 162 Leases and Permits - pdf 955kb

Draft Regulations that would Establish Subparts to 25 CFR 162 (Leases and Permits)

For review and input, draft regulations that would establish subparts to 25 CFR 162 (Leases and Permits) addressing residential leasing, business leasing, and wind and solar permitting and leasing.

Consultation Meeting Transcripts

Las Vegas, NV - March 17, 2011 - pdf 392 kb

Minnesota - March 31, 2011 - pdf 180 kb

Albuquerque, NM - April 6, 2011 - pdf 173 kb

Categorical Exclusion on National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

Tribal Leader Letter - March 7, 2012 - pdf 77kb

Justification for Establishing a Categorical Exclusion for Scattered Single-Family Homesites - pdf 508kb

Draft Indian Affairs Manual (IAM), BIE Health and Wellness Policy for K-12 Schools

Tribal Leaders Letter - April 7, 2011 - pdf

IAM Health and Wellness in Bureau of Indian Education(BIE) Schools, K-12 - pdf

Appendix A - Health and Wellness Resources for Schools - pdf

DOI Revising and Streamlining the Current Strategic Plan for FYs' 2011 to 2016.

The Department of the Interior is in the process of revising and streamling the current Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2011-2016.  The Plan is used as a roadmap for the Department, and a means of communication its goals and specific commitments to the public, stakeholders, and employees.

To get the entire Tribal Leaders Letter and consulation schedule click here.

Review of the "Current Guidance and Regulatory Standards" for Taking Land Into Trust for Gaming Purposes

On July 18, 2010, Secretary Salazar issued a directive recommending a thorough review of the "current guidance and regulatory standards" used to make decisions for two-part determinations under Section 20(b)(1)(A) or IGRA, 25 U.S.C. 2719(b)(1)(A).  In accordance with the Secretary's directive, and with keeping with Interior's commitment to government-to-government consultation, we are engaging tribal governments on: (1) the January 3, 2008 Memorandum regarding Guidance on Taking Off-reservation land into Trust for Gaming purposes; (2) the need to revise any of the provisions of 25 C.F.R. 292, Subpart A and Subpart C; and (3) whether the Department's process of requiring compliance with 25 C.F.R. Part 151comes before or after the two-part determination.

To get the entire Tribal Leaders Letter and consultation schedule click here

January 3, 2008 Memorandum

DOI Tribal Consultation Policy

In November 2009, the Department of the Interior announced efforts to develop its department-wide tribal consultation policy in accordance with the President's Executive Memorandum of November 5, 2009 implementing Executive Order 13175.  Click on the links to download the following documents:

  • The letter to tribal leaders dated November 23, 2009 in .pdf format.
  • The news release dated November 25, 2009 in .pdf format.

Initial Consultation Sessions:  December 2009 and January 2010

The Department held tribal consultation sessions in December 2009 and January 2010 on developing DOI's tribal consultation policy. For more information, click on the links to download the following documents:

  • The letter to tribal leaders dated November 23, 2009 in .pdf format.
  • The news release dated December 2, 2009 in .pdf format.

The deadline for written comments was no later than January 15, 2010 by email to or by postal service to the Office of the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C St., N.W., MS-4141-MIB, Washington, D.C. 20240.

Nominations for DOI Tribal Consultation Team Members

In March 2010, the Department requested nominations from the federally recognized tribes of tribal officials or delegates from each BIA region for the DOI Tribal Consultation Team.  The Team will draft the Department's tribal consultation policy in accordance with its plan of actions to implement the President’s Executive Memorandum on Executive Order 13175.  Click on the links to download the following documents:

  • The letter to tribal leaders dated March 22, 2010, in .pdf format.
  • The DOI Plan to Develop a Tribal Consultation and Coordination Policy.
  • The DOI Consultation Team Nomination Form.

The deadline for submitting nominations to the BIA Regional Directors was April 30, 2010.  The nominations were to be sent to the BIA Regional Director appropriate to the submitting tribe at his or her Regional Office address.

Announcement of DOI Tribal Consultation Team Members

In a letter to tribal leaders dated August 19, 2010, the Department announced the members of the DOI Tribal Consultation Team.  The Team is comprised of DOI officials and tribal representatives who will be involved in the process of drafting DOI's department-wide tribal consultation policy.  Click on the link to download the following document:


Dear Tribal Leader Letter for BIE consultation on streamlining - June 12, 2012 - pdf 262 kb

BIE Flyer with updated dates and locations for BIE Consultation on Streamlining - June, 2012 - pdf 40 kb