National Small Business Week
Posted by on February 02, 2012

Update: The Wall Street Journal has a good article about accessing government grants for small business contractors.  Read the article at this link.

This week, Congressman Scott recognized the importance of small businesses in creating jobs and rebuilding America's economy: "Small businesses created two-thirds of the new jobs over the last 15 years," Congressman Scott said.  "As a small business owner, I understand the daily challenges facing these job creators.  That is why I am committed to helping entrepreneurs succeed."

For information about starting a small business, please visit the Small Business Administration website at this link or find a local Small Business Development Center in your county at this link.

Last year, Congressman Scott voted for the Small Business Jobs Act (Public Law No: 111-240).  Currently, provisions of this law are being implemented to encourage lending and investing in small businesses as well as proving incentives for small businesses to make business investments. The Small Business Jobs Act will:

Expand Small Businesses Access to Capital

·       The bill creates a $30 billion Small Business Lending Fund to provide community banks with capital to increase small business lending.  The fund is limited to the smallest banks with  $10 billion or less in assets.  

·       The bill invests $1.5 billion in grants to support $15 billion in new small business lending through successful state programs.

·       It expands access to, and lowers costs for, small business to access SBA loans and also increases SBA loan limits. 

·       Investment in small businesses will be stimulated by a 100% exclusion from capital gains taxes on small business investments.

·       Small business taxes will be decreased by allowing them to carry back general business tax credits to offset their taxes from the previous five years.  Small businesses will also be able to count the general business credits against the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), which frees up capital for expansion and job growth.   

Spur Small Businesses Investments & Growth

·        The bill soubles small business expensing for immediate write offs of capital investments, such as equipment and machinery, in 2010 and 2011.  It also expands purchases qualifying for expensing to include certain types of real property, such as leasehold, retail and restaurant improvements.

·        The bill extends bonus depreciation, which allows businesses to immediately write off 50 percent of the cost of new equipment investments in 2010.

Promote Entrepreneurship and Small Business Exports

·        Doubles to $10,000 the tax deduction for start-up expenditures for entrepreneurs looking to launch a new venture.

·        Creates a variety of new tools to help small businesses gain international market access and export goods, including a new State Export Promotion Grant Program (STEP), which will leverage more than $1 billion in exports.

Promote Fairness in Competition

·        Removes onerous requirements that complicate the ability to deduct costs of cell phone use as a regular business expense

·        Allows self-employed individuals to deduct health insurance costs in paying the self-employment tax in 2010.

·        Removes the red tape and closes loopholes that too often put government contracts into the hands of multinational corporations, instead of Main Street businesses. 

Have questions about small business tax credits?  Visit the IRS small business website at this link.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Renan Guillou commented on 7/5/2011
    As a small business owner myself, it is disheartening to see that multinational corporations have developed such a strong hold of government policy and often pay less taxes then most small companies. Times are changing, and as more and more jobs move online, the pool of potential employees grows exponentially. Nowadays, it's not just big corporations that can outsource. Small business owners are starting to outsource as well, and they need to if they are to survive and grow. One example of overseas outsourcing that small business owners can utilize to remain competitive and actually grow their business is http://www.small-businesses-marketing.com/video-.php. Government assistance in leveling the playing field between multinational corporations and small business owners is needed, but small business owners who do not take proactive measures may not be around to see the results of any favorable action taken in our behalf.
  • Gary Guerrero commented on 9/30/2011
    Last year, Congressman Scott voted for the Small Business Jobs Act (Public Law No: 111-240). Currently, provisions of this law are being implemented to encourage lending and investing in small businesses as well as proving incentives for small businesses to make business investments. What happens this year? http://www.gggmarketing.com
  • deon de bruyn commented on 11/7/2011
    Agree with Renan, There are many things in place already and small business need to take advantage and familiarize them self with what is available. Embracing most relevant technology and low cost web design must be part of the game plan. http://www.getweb123.com
  • scott sheldon commented on 4/7/2012
    While there many homeowners out there struggling,there is a certain percentage of them that have a biased towards what they hear in the media and believe it is too good to be true. I find this is a loan officer, to be the case in many such circumstances. People need to know there are outlets and resources out there to help them in times of financial need and economic stress. The http://www.sonomacountymortgages.com/2012/03/harp-making-homes-affordable/ is one such program that is gaining much media momentum. It allows a homeowner to refinance the house even if they are upside down so long as the loan was originated in June of 2009 or before. The loan has to be owned by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac and they can research which one of the entities owns the loan by clicking on the link. Homeowners needing payment relief should first start with seeing which entity actually owns their loan. This is a great starting point because a refinance despite today's top credit challenges can be a lot easier to go through rather than seeking a loan modification. Take control of your finances and be one step closer to securing mortgage payment relief.
  • william Hauser commented on 8/9/2012
    thanks for sharing though!
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