Health Care

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Economic Costs of the Health Care Law

For the first two years of this administration, President Obama and Democrats lost focus on the economy. Instead they forced through a health care law they claimed would be good for jobs. Read More


Farming through Red Tape

Senate Democrats refuse to roll back red tape for our country’s farmers. Some of the Obama Administration’s worst regulations take aim at the family farm. Meanwhile the president tells farmers “don’t always believe what you hear.” Read More


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Obama’s Folly: Gambling Billions on Green Energy

President Obama correctly calls us the nation of the Wright brothers, but his policy choices are more like Langley’s Folly. Read More

The Latest from RPC

  • Sep 13 2012
    Today the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee announced that it would initiate a third round of quantitative easing, or “QE3,” by purchasing $40 billion of mortgage-backed securities per month on an open-ended basis. Since 2008, there have been five major Fed policies that have attempted...
  • Sep 11 2012
    President Obama knows that the Medicare program is on a swift path to bankruptcy. He admits it. Instead of proposing bipartisan solutions that reform and strengthen Medicare, the President chooses to do nothing.
  • Sep 11 2012
    President Obama promised to create jobs and improve the economy. Three and a half years of his policies have left those promises unfulfilled for the economy as a whole, and for veterans returning from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars specifically.
  • Sep 10 2012
    The President’s fiscal year 2013 budget request sought a billion dollars in mandatory funding for a Veterans Job Corps, which was to be a federal program for up to 20,000 veterans to work in conservation and federal lands programs. The Veterans Job Corps is part of President Obama’s “To Do List” for...
  • Sep 7 2012
    The Department of Labor reported an unemployment rate of 8.1 percent for August 2012, which is a decrease of 0.2 percent from July, and an increase of 96,000 nonfarm jobs.
  • Sep 11 2012
    An estimated 33 million Americans traveled over Labor Day weekend, including 28.2 million by car who paid the highest gas prices ever during this holiday. On Labor Day, one gallon of regular gasoline averaged $3.80, a full 12 cents higher than the previous holiday record. Over August, drivers suffer...
  • Aug 27 2012
    We must restore real fairness in America. We can start by paying off the crushing debt that’s been piled on the backs of all Americans. We can begin to dismantle the mountain of bureaucracy that stifles American opportunity.
  • Aug 22 2012
    Today the Congressional Budget Office released its updated Budget and Economic Outlook. CBO reports that going over the “fiscal cliff” will cause a recession.
  • Aug 7 2012
    Where does the road end with President Obama's operating above the law? Recently, he even went so far as to attack the signature legislative achievement of another Democrat President, the bipartisan 1996 reform law that President Clinton said would end "welfare as we know it." On July 12, the Obama ...
  • Aug 3 2012
    The Department of Labor reported an unemployment rate of 8.3 percent for July 2012, which is an increase of 0.1 percent from June, and an increase of 163,000 nonfarm jobs.
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