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Administration on Aging (AoA) web site is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of a wide variety of topics, programs and services related to aging.

A nonprofit, bipartisan organization dedicated to promoting research on human aging and the independence of older Americans. Their primary goal is to advocate for a greater federal investment into scientific research that could lead to a healthy and productive old age.

Discover more than 8,000 all-inclusive learning adventures in all 50 states and more than 90 countries abroad.

The Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics (Forum) was initially established in 1986, with the goal of bringing together Federal agencies that share a common interest in improving aging-related data.

You'll find a rich treasure of online information, services and resources.

Founded in 1945, it is the largest national organization in aging dedicated to advancing knowledge, generating new ideas and translating research findings into practice. Programs include multidisciplinary refereed journals of research, policy analysis and practice concepts; the nation's largest scientific meeting in gerontology; interdisciplinary projects and publications; and an information program linking research, policy and practice.

Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes are institutions (affiliated with colleges & universities) that provide intellectual and cultural experiences for residents in their retirement years.

Americans over 55 have a lifetime of experience to share, and the desire to make a real difference in their world. They’ve managed households, been business owners and nurses, farmers and salespeople, artists and executives. Now they are ready to put their unique talents and expertise to work in their communities, and enrich their own lives in the process.

The Retired Technology Volunteer (RTV) program was created in 2005 to match Internet and technology-savvy Boomers with nonprofit organizations across the U.S. to help nonprofits expand their technology capacity. RTVs are at least 50 years young but you don’t have to be retired to volunteer!


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