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Research Activities

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November 1999, No. 231


About Research Activities

Feature Story

Surgery-related errors may adversely affect up to 3 percent of hospitalized patients


Women's Health
   Blood coagulation testing of pregnant women with hypertension can be reduced
   Risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy are not the only factors that women consider

Children's Health
   Predicting which infants with RSV infection will need intensive care continues to be difficult
   Good communication between doctors, parents, and children remains the cornerstone of high-quality pediatric care

Clinical Decisionmaking
   Antibiotic treatment of Lyme disease depends on clinical signs and symptoms

Market Forces
   Business coalitions have the potential to buy health care quality as well as contain costs
   Physician practice management companies offer relatively narrow benefits to affiliated medical groups

Health Care Costs and Financing
   Community health centers need more resources to provide proper care to high-risk asthma patients
   Providing insurance coverage will not automatically ensure that mental health treatment needs are met
   Mental health/substance abuse carve-out program substantially reduce costs for these services

HIV/AIDS Research
   Greater access to clinics reduces the risk of hospitalization for poor people with advanced HIV disease
   AIDS patients fare much better in dedicated AIDS units and magnet hospitals compared with general hospital units
   Some HIV-infected patients feel their lives have improved since their diagnosis

Rural Health
   Rural and urban medical practices are more similar than different, with several notable exceptions

AHCPR News and Notes
   New Institute of Medicine study to examine privacy protection practices of institutional review boards
   Highlights from AHCPR's Health Care Research Scholars Program

   AHCPR seeks research proposals on strategies for eliminating minority health disparities
   AHSR issues call for abstracts for June 2000 meeting
   AHCPR funds new projects

Research Briefs

AHCPR Publication No. 99-0006
Current as of November 1999

The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care