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Research Activities

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June 2000, No. 238


About Research Activities

Feature Story

Early angiography should be used for suspected heart attack victims even when ECGs appear normal

Heart Disease/Stroke

A hospital's experience with primary angioplasty affects its survival rate for heart attack patients
Improvements are needed in the management of warfarin therapy for patients with atrial fibrillation
Payer status appears to have a strong influence on hospital management of patients with heart attack

Health Care Delivery

Researchers examine ways to more accurately diagnose pelvic inflammatory disease
Studies focus on diagnostic testing and treatment for prostate cancer
Researchers find that complex gastrointestinal procedures are not just for specialists anymore
Most Mexican Americans prefer conventional medical care for their diabetes rather than alternative and traditional treatments


Periodic health exams tend to reduce ER visits and preventable hospitalizations

Primary Care

Recognizing and treating depression in primary care can prevent unnecessary hospitalizations and save money
More is not necessarily better when it comes to patient education materials

Outcomes/Effectiveness Research

Waiting longer between pregnancies decreases the risk of premature birth

Quality of Care

Quality of care measures need to account for socioeconomic and racial/ethnic disparities in health care

Long-term Care

Experts recommend minimum nurse staffing standards for U.S. nursing homes
Transfers between nursing homes are fairly common, but barriers to transfer exist for some patients

Managed Care

Direct access to specialists may not raise managed care plans' costs
Managed care organizations make only limited use of New York State data on cardiac surgery mortality rates
Hospitals often form alliances with physicians when the number of HMOs in an area increases
Responses to current health care system changes are largely reactive and as fragmented as the changes themselves
Exportation of managed care to third-world countries may be detrimental rather than advantageous to their health

HIV/AIDS Research

Length of survival of patients hospitalized for HIV infection vary according to the patient's race


AHRQ congratulates new dissertation grant recipients
National Advisory Council member receives AUPHA award
Attention researchers
Grant final reports available
AHRQ awards new research projects

Research Briefs

Current as of June 2000
AHRQ Publication No. 00-0043

The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care