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Research Activities

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January 2007, No. 317


About Research Activities

Feature Story

Missed opportunities: Too few Americans are being screened or counseled to prevent colorectal cancer, obesity, and other conditions

Disparities/Minority Health

Black patients tend to ask fewer questions of their doctors and receive less information than other patients
Trust in medical care does not differ by race among indigent people with diabetes, but more trust can improve their quality of life
American Indians and Alaska Natives are difficult to reach by mail for research or health care reasons
African-American physicians were much more likely than white physicians to practice in HMOs in the 1990s

Patient Safety and Quality

Physicians' extended work shifts are associated with increased risks of medical errors that harm patients
Extended resident work hours jeopardize both resident health and patient safety
Health systems dedicated to improving patient safety are beginning their journey and need a roadmap to prioritize initiatives
Studies reveal that error disclosure is similar among American and Canadian doctors, despite different malpractice environments
Adding lab data and refining secondary diagnosis information improves the ability to measure hospital quality of care

Child/Adolescent Health

Pediatric hospitalists are more likely than community pediatricians to use evidence-based care for hospitalized children
Mandating more time in school PE classes may not increase exercise or weight loss among American children
Antidepressants may increase children's and adolescents' risk of suicide attempts after hospitalization for depression
State children's health insurance and premium-subsidy programs do not always provide a bridge to private health insurance
Management of emergency department information on children's medication allergies needs improvement

Chronic Disease

Depression worsens the health and quality of life of people with diabetes
Most quality improvement strategies produce only small to modest improvements in glycemic control among patients with diabetes
New report finds little evidence to determine the usefulness of genetic tests in the treatment of depression

Women's Health

Women are more likely than men to suffer health problems and worse quality of life due to obesity

Clinical Decisionmaking

Overprescribing of lipid-lowering agents is associated with several physician and practice characteristics
National guidelines and clinical evidence only modestly influence prescribing of antihypertensive agents
A new classification scheme quantifies the risk of hemorrhage among atrial fibrillation patients taking anticoagulants

Acute Care/Hospitalization

Identifying patients' medical conditions at hospital admission provides a more accurate picture of hospital performance

Primary Care Research

An enhanced pain assessment scale and feedback to hospital nurses can improve pain documentation and analgesic prescribing but not pain reduction

Health Care Costs and Financing

Increased use of prescription medicines is changing health care spending patterns
Medicare payment reforms sparked changes in use of home health care services among the elderly
Clinical and social factors predict application for Social Security disability benefits by workers with back injuries

Access to Care

People with significant health needs or barriers to care access are more likely to use the Internet for health information

Agency News and Notes

Obesity surgeries have jumped dramatically since 1998
City vs. city: When it comes to health insurance costs, geography matters
Asthma sufferers favor quick relief


AHRQ awards grants for health services research dissertation
Research Briefs

AHRQ Publication No. 07-0014
Current as of January 2007


The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care