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Research Activities

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December 2006, No. 316


About Research Activities

Feature Story

Longer anti-clotting treatment appears to lower the risk of death or a heart attack in patients with drug-eluting stents

Disparities/Minority Health

Older American Indians often have a poorer view of their own health than their doctors

Patient Safety and Quality

Both hospitals and Medicare would gain financially by improving patient safety
Functional outcomes may be good markers of quality of care for hip fracture surgery patients

Health Information Technology

Journal supplement reviews evidence for the efficacy of telemedicine and telecare

Women's Health

Racial differences in religiosity and religious coping styles are linked to use of health care services by low-income older women

Elderly/Long-term Care

The decision to hospitalize nursing home residents is driven primarily by residents' preference and quality of life
A pain medication appropriateness scale reveals that many nursing home residents suffer from poorly controlled pain

Pharmaceutical Research

Direct-to-consumer drug advertising on television may have led to increased prescribing of Vioxx® and Celebrex®

Outcomes/Effectiveness Research

Studies examine factors influencing postoperative complications and functioning among patients undergoing hip fracture repair

Emergency Medicine

Study raises doubts about the usefulness of emergency department diagnosis as a criteria for medically unnecessary EMS transports

Access to Care

People with low incomes are more likely to obtain dental care outside of private dental practices than those with higher incomes
Lack of health care options in rural communities poses substantial barriers to care for rural disabled adults

Health Care Costs and Financing

Tax subsidies for employer-sponsored health insurance will exceed $200 billion in 2006

Acute Care/Hospitalization

Medical injuries among children result in longer hospital stays and higher charges
Clinician communication through multidisciplinary rounds may improve with well-designed information tools

Agency News and Notes

Injuries cost hospitals $20 billion annually
The cost of treating diabetes surges
Hospitalization of obese patients more than doubles
New report offers first look at sickle cell disease hospitalizations in 10 years


New disaster planning guide offers valuable mass casualty care information
Research Briefs

Current as of December 2006
AHRQ Publication No. 07-0011

The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care