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United States House of Representatives Radio-Television Correpondents' Gallery
United States House of Representatives Radio-Television Correspondents' Gallery podium in the Gallery
Home | About the Gallery | Today in the House | Using the Gallery | Membership | Resources

Accreditation Criteria

The Radio-Television Correspondents' Galleries issue three forms of membership credentials:

Congressional rules require all Gallery members to be bona fide news gatherers and/or reporters whose chief attention is given to—or more than one-half of their earned income derived from—the gathering or reporting of news. Executive Committee policy limits active membership to Washington-based broadcast news editorial personnel. Active members have building access, vote in elections, and receive an invitation to the annual dinner if their applications are approved before the current year's dinner.
This pass provides temporary access to the Galleries and Capitol complex for broadcast news personnel.
This pass is for broadcast news personnel who may not meet all of the criteria for Gallery membership but whose duties require their frequent presence on Capitol Hill. They do not vote in elections. They receive an invitation to the annual dinner.

The following lobbying, employment and income restrictions apply to all three forms of Gallery membership:

Gallery members must:

  • not be engaged in the prosecution of claims or the promotion of legislation pending before Congress, the departments, or the independent agencies.
  • not be employed in any legislative or executive department or independent agency of the Government, or by any foreign government or representative thereof
  • not be engaged in any lobbying activities
  • not be directly or indirectly furnishing any information to any organization, individual, or group of individuals for the influencing of prices on any commodity or stock exchange

Your chief attention must be given to—or more than one-half of your earned income must be derived from—the gathering or reporting of news for radio stations, television stations, systems, or news-gathering agencies primarily serving radio stations, television stations, or systems. Full-time students are not eligible for active membership.

If you are a freelancer or work for a production company, your application must be signed by the news director of your chief news client or you must submit a letter from a client news organization certifying it is currently using your services.

If you are a foreign broadcaster, you must submit a letter from your embassy verifying that you represent a broadcast news organization or submit other documentation that the Executive Committee shall require.

Approval of applications may be subject to meeting additional criteria established by the Speaker of the House and the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.

Applications for active Gallery membership can be obtained from the Senate Gallery (S-325 of the Capitol).

Gallery cards must be returned to the Senate Gallery if you change your affiliation or move from the Washington, DC, area. Gallery cards may not be worn while covering Congressional activities for non-news purposes.
