United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Information  for  Employers

All Americans owe a debt of gratitude to the men and women who served in the Armed Forces of the United States. Many service members made sacrifices to protect the democratic values that we in the United States hold sacred. Employers express your appreciation and consider a veteran when hiring for your next position.

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What is VA's Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program?

The Department of Veteran Affair's Veteran Benefits Administration's Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR & E) Program is a national employment resource for employers.

The VR & E Service provides effective vocational rehabilitation services to veterans with service-connected disabilities. Enabling our injured soldiers, sailors, airmen, and other veterans with disabilities for a seamless transition from military service to a successful rehabilitation and on to suitable employment after service to our Nation.

Why hire a veteran who has completed the VR & E program?

  • Program participants are mature, motivated and disciplined workers.
  • Program participants are pre-screened for your specific employment needs.
  • Program participants have been proven to be reliable, dependable, and able to perform in stressful situations.
  • Program participants are dedicated team players.

Are there any benefits or incentives for hiring a veteran from the VR & E Program?

Employers hiring disabled veterans may qualify for benefits and incentives through the VR & E programs or other Federal Resources.

    Some VR & E Resources

    • VR & E On the Job Training Program
      Employer hires veteran at an apprentice wage and VR & E supplements the salary up the journeyman wage (up to maximum allowable under OJT). As the veteran progresses through training, the employer begins to pay more of the salary until the veteran reaches journeyman level and the employer is paying the entire salary. VR & E will also pay for any necessary tools. The employer is also eligible for a federal tax credit for hiring an individual who participated in a vocational rehabilitation program.

    • VR & E Special Employer Incentive Program
      This program is used for veterans facing extraordinary obstacles to employment. A veteran is placed in an OJT or a work experience with an employer. VR & E can reimburse the employer up to 50% of the veteran's salary for up to 6 months. The employer is also eligible for a federal tax credit for hiring an individual who participated in a vocational rehabilitation program.

    • VR & E Non-Paid Work Experience Program
      A veteran is placed in a local, state, or Federal government office. The placement does not count against the agency's FTE and the agency does not pay the veteran. VR & E pays the veteran monthly subsistence allowance while the veteran is participating in the program. During the placement, the veteran works towards gaining and / or strengthening particular skill sets. Though the office is under no obligation to hire the veteran, the goal of this program is the veteran obtaining full time, permanent employment in the office where he / she is placed or a similar office.

    Some Federal Resources

    • Architectural / Transportation Tax Deduction (IRC Section 190)
      This is a deduction a business can take for making a facility or public transportation vehicle more access to an usable by persons who are disabled or elderly.

    • Disabled Access Credit (IRC Section 144)
      This is a tax credit for eligible small business that pays or incurs expenses to provide access to persons with disabilities. The expenses must be to enable the eligible small business comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).

    • Veterans Job Training Act
      This provides training costs for employers of long-term unemployed veterans of the Korean conflict or the Vietnam era.

    • Work Opportunity Tax Credit
      This is a tax credit for businesses that hire individuals from certain qualified groups, of which one is disabled people who completed or are completing rehabilitative services from a state or the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs.

      Additional information links for Federal Resources

How do I find qualified veterans to hire?

Regional Office contact

    VR & E Service Offices are located in Department of Veteran Affairs Regional Offices. Every state has at least one Regional Office. To locate the VR & E Office in your state use  this link  to the Department of Veteran Affairs "Facilities Locator & Directory" web page. Scroll down the page and click on your state. Under "Veterans Benefits Administration" click on the Regional Office. You will find the address and phone number to contact the Regional Office. When you make contact ask for the VR & E Service Officer or VR & E Service Employment Coordinator.

E-mail contact

    Send an  E-Mail indicating your interest to hire a veteran from the VR&E Program, a description of the position and the best means to contact you. Your E-mail will be directed to the appropriate VR&E Service Office and you will be contacted.

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Links related to information mention under "Some Federal Resources" section.

    The following Internet Links are provided as informational resources that relate to employment and vocational rehabilitation. The Department of Veterans Affairs does not endorse and is not responsible for the content accuracy of these linked websites.

General Information

Architectural / Transportation Tax Deduction

Disabled Access Credit (IRC Section 144)

Veterans Job Training Act

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

Return to Federal Resources section

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