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Reps. Culberson, Wolf, Posey and Olson introduce the Space Leadership Preservation Act

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Reps. John Culberson (TX-07), Frank Wolf (VA-10), Bill Posey (FL-15), Pete Olson (TX-22) announced the Space Leadership Preservation Act, legislation that will change business as usual…

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House passes bill protecting religious freedoms at veterans’ funerals

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the House passed the Veterans Fiduciary Reform Act by a voice vote.  The bill included language from Rep. Culberson’s bill that protects the religious freedoms of our…

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Rep. Culberson Cosponsors Preserving Work Requirements for Welfare Programs Resolution

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. John Culberson is a cosponsor of H.J. Res 18, which expresses disapproval of the Obama administration’s attempt to eliminate the welfare work requirements.  This important…

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Houston Chronicle: Legislators will introduce NASA reboot bill on Thursday

By Eric Berger, SciGuy

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

About a month ago I wrote about legislation being developed to make NASA a more independent agency.

On Thursday the architects of that legislation, including U.S.…

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Happy 225th Birthday to the U.S. Constitution!

“On this day in 1787, our Founding Fathers signed the single most important document in American history – the U.S. Constitution. At 4,400 words it is both the oldest and…

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