
Mr. McGinnis - 375 Birthday Message
Mr. McGinnis's 375 Birthday Message

David McGinnis, Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, shares a 375th birthday message to the National Guard.

DoD Surveys 80,000 National Employers
Sec. McCarthy

The Defense Department is reaching out to employers of National Guardsmen and reservists with a major survey to find out how the past decade of war and the heavy use of reserve-component forces has affected their civilian workplaces. The department is distributing the surveys to some 80,000 employers throughout March and April to gain insight into the benefits and challenges of employing members of the Guard and reserves, Dennis M. McCarthy, assistant secretary of defense for reserve affairs, told American Forces Press Service today.

Soldiers and Airmen Join Forces at Maryland Yellow Ribbon event
The American Veteran

BALTIMORE - The Maryland National Guard hosted a Yellow Ribbon event for members of the 169th MEDEVAC, GSAB (General Support Aviation Battalion) and Air National Guard personnel on January 23, at the Sheraton City Center. Nearly 85 Soldiers and Airmen attended this one-day event with their families. Service members took part in sessions on relationships, personal financial counseling, resiliency, substance abuse, single person issues, married reconnecting with children, law enforcement, and issues unique to female veterans.

AFRC Innovative Readiness Training (IRT)
IRT Video

Community Center Construction-Florala, AL— AFRC Innovative Readiness Training (IRT)

Location: Jackson Lake, Florala, Alabama

Reporter: Laurie Flores

Mental Health Month
Yellow Ribbon

The Yellow Ribbon Program (YRP) is a DoD-wide effort to help National Guard and Reserve Service members and their families connect with local resources before, during, and after deployments. This is especially important during the reintegration phase that occurs months after Service members return home. More than 600 Yellow Ribbon Events are scheduled through October in all 54 states and territories.

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