PeteKing King Elected Chairman of Homeland Security Committee for 112th Congress

King Elected Chairman of Homeland Security Committee for 112th Congress

December 8, 2010

Outlines Priorities

Washington, D.C. (Wednesday, December 8, 2010) – Today, ¬U.S. Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY), was elected by Members of the 112th Congress Republican Conference to serve as Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security. The vote today approves yesterday’s unanimous recommendation of the Republican Steering Committee.

“I am honored to have been selected as Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee by the Republicans of the 112th Congress,” King said. “I look forward to working with Speaker John Boehner, the new Republican Leadership, and the entire incoming Republican Majority to protect our homeland from the terrorists who continue to plot and execute attacks against our nation.”

Chairman-elect King has previously outlined some of his main priorities for the 112th Congress, including:

• Conducting effective oversight of Department of Homeland Security operations and ways to give the intelligence community and law enforcement agencies the tools they need to identify and combat domestic radicalization;
• Stopping the Obama Administration’s plans to transfer Guantanamo detainees, like admitted 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his co-conspirators, to the U.S. and put them on trial in civilian courts, and holding hearings on the President’s plans to close Guantanamo;
• Holding hearings on the attack at Fort Hood;
• Working with the Department of Homeland Security to improve cargo security on passenger planes and on cargo-only planes;
• Enacting additional border security legislation to curb illegal immigration;
• Strengthening the Securing the Cities Initiative to protect more Americans from radiological and nuclear devices;
• Bolstering national cybersecurity by fortifying the defenses of federal networks and promoting partnerships with the private sector to protect against cyberattack;
• Strengthening communications for our nation’s first responders;
• Passing a comprehensive Department of Homeland Security authorization bill to provide DHS with necessary guidance, tools, and resources to help protect our homeland from terrorist attack.

King currently serves as Ranking Member of the Committee.