
  • House approves Rep. Scott DesJarlais tax bill for families of killed soldiers

    Sep 20 2012

    Legislation introduced by Rep. Scott DesJarlais unanimously cleared the House Wednesday, as lawmakers voted 400-0 to approve the Andrew P. Carpenter Tax Act. The bill, introduced by DesJarlais in May, prevents the IRS from collecting taxes on any amount of college loans that are forgiven following the death of an active service member. It was named after Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Andrew P. Carpenter of Columbia, Tenn., who was killed in February of last year while serving in Afghanistan.

  • DesJarlais spearheads college tax forgiveness bill

    Sep 20 2012

    Columbia resident Cindy Carpenter hopes legislation passed Wednesday in the U.S. House of Representatives will keep other families who lose a child to war from experiencing the same pain she suffered.

  • Scott DesJarlais loan bill passed by House

    Sep 20 2012

    A bill that would allow the families of veterans who died while on active duty to avoid paying taxes on forgiven student loan debt passed unanimously in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday.

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