Volcano Update from Archive

Thursday, June 21, 2007 00:12 HST (Thursday, June 21, 2007 10:12 UTC)

19.43°N 155.29°W, Summit Elevation 4009 ft (1222 m)
Volcano Alert Level: WATCH
Aviation Color Code: ORANGE

Report prepared by the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO):

Activity at Kilauea Volcano has not changed significantly at the summit or east rift zone since 6 a.m. The summit shows only slight inflation and tremor levels continue at a steady rate.

In the upper east rift zone, fewer than about 10 small earthquakes per hour are being recorded, only two of which were locatable since 7 pm. Tremor levels in the Kane Nui o Hamo area have remained relatively constant.

At Pu`u `O`o a tiltmeter continues to indicate steady collapse of the cone. The webcam on the rim of Pu`u `O`o crater is not showing any visible glow.

HVO has scheduled another overflight for early afternoon, and continues to monitor the situation closely.