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Sam Johnson: U.S. Congressman, Third District of Texas

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Press Release

Contact: McCall Avery (202) 225-4201

Sam Johnson statement on stem cell vote
Favors use of amniotic stem cells, abhors destroying human embryos

Washington, Jan 11, 2007 -

Today U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (3rd Dist.-Texas) released the following statement after the House passed H.R. 3, the Expanding Stem Cell Research Act.  A well-known pro-life supporter and a member of the Pro-Life Caucus, Johnson voted against the measure.  The Act passed 253 to 174.  The Republicans offered a motion to prohibit federal support of human cloning, which failed 189 to 238.


Earlier this week, scientists announced that stem cells from amniotic fluid provide are just as effective, if not more so, in preventing and curing diseases.


Johnson represents portions of Dallas and Collin Counties in North Texas.


I have a long record of pro-life votes because I believe human life and dignity should be valued at any age, in any form.  Because of that, I’ve consistently opposed destroying human embryos and using federal dollars to do so.


“With the recent successful use of adult stem cells and cord blood cells in the treatment of diseases, the debate over stem cell research has turned a new corner. 


“This week provided even more hope for the ethical advance of science when we learned that stem cells found in the amniotic fluid can be just as helpful as regular stem cells…if not more helpful…and human embryos are not destroyed in the process.


“This is an example of the new frontier of stem cell research we should be exploring to find cures to diseases and preventing them in the first place.


I am opposed to this bill and hope that we can visit this issue again using the new breakthrough as the cornerstone of the proposal.”

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