image description U.S. CONGRESSMAN JOE WILSON | Serving South Carolina’s Second District

National Security

As the father of four sons in the military and a 31-year veteran of the South Carolina Army National Guard, I have always been an enthusiastic and ardent supporter of our brave men and women in uniform.  As a member of the House Committee on Armed Services, I am very grateful to have the opportunity to work on the national security challenges our nation faces.

After our country was attacked on September 11, 2001, we woke up in a new era of conflict where our soldiers are now working throughout the world to prevent additional acts of terrorism against the American people and our country's interests.  U.S. troops risk their lives daily as they face terrorists abroad so that we do not have to face them on the streets of America.

Throughout the past year, we have witnessed a positive change in Iraq.  In February 2007, our Armed Forces initiated a "surge" under the leadership of General David Petraeus.  This new strategy aimed to provide additional security to pave the way for political reconciliation - a goal it has achieved.  Moreover, it has created a window of opportunity for Iraq's civilian leadership to step forward and make further, necessary political achievement.  Under a strategic framework and status of forces agreement signed by both the United States and Iraq at the end of 2008, we now have a formal mechanism for Congress and the Administration to take those next steps so our men and women can return home safely.  Iraq has already begun to pass the laws and budgets necessary to support their young democracy.  And in my many visits to Iraq, I have seen firsthand the amazing turnaround.

In Afghanistan, the Taliban and Al-Qaeda continue to threaten the stability of this nation, as well as the region.  Our military commanders have requested additional troops and resources, and these efforts should be supported with a sound and realistic strategy.  Once again, General Petraeus is leading these efforts.  While circumstances are challenging and evolving, I am confident our brave men and women in uniform are equal to the task.  I was particularly humbled by the dedication of our fellow South Carolinians assigned to the 218th Enhanced Separate Brigade of the South Carolina National Guard, my former Guard Unit of 28 years, who served for a year in Afghanistan. 

Our troops on the ground are working with the Afghan people to help that nation defend itself and root out the terrorists who continue to make threats against our homeland and our allies.

Many Members of Congress with different backgrounds and different constituencies may disagree about the best way to protect our nation.  However, now that we have committed our forces, it is Congress' responsibility to ensure our troops receive the best resources possible for achieving victory safely.  We must ensure that there is no interruption or restriction of funding for American troops in combat zones.  No matter the legislation before me, I will always fight to make sure our soldiers have the equipment and funding they need to do the job we have asked of them.

Our missions in Iraq and Afghanistan are part of a greater effort to promote stability and prosperity in unstable parts of the world.  The United States is helping democratically-elected governments succeed in these two nations while denying safe havens to terrorists.  It is no accident America has not been attacked in more than 7 years, but we should remember that this struggle will be long, and success requires a continued commitment.  I support these goals and our brave troops in that endeavor.