

As we fight to stabilize our economy and head off the potential of a future collapse, some have argued that the best way to eliminate our debt is by shifting the burden onto the backs of America’s taxpayers. As a third generation small business owner, I cannot think of a quicker way to stifle an economic recovery and destroy jobs than by increasing taxes on our job creators and hardworking families already struggling to make ends meet.

Instead, I have fought for a common sense economic agenda that reins in wasteful Washington spending without shifting the burden of our nearly-$15 trillion debt to our job creators. I support a pro-growth fiscal plan that eliminates capital gains taxes until unemployment drops below 5 percent.

I also believe we must eliminate the Death Tax, which takes the money that an individual has earned and paid taxes on throughout his or her life and then taxes it again before the inheritance is passed on to a surviving family member.

We must also make necessary changes to a tax code that has become overly complex, ineffective and crippling to economic growth. With businesses and individuals spending over six billion hours each year trying to understand our tax code, it is clearer than ever that we need a system that is more fair, competitive and simple.

I will continue working with like-minded colleagues of both parties to implement responsible tax reform that empowers our job creators to expand and permits families to keep more of their hard-earned money.