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Help for Parents

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Article from the Aware Parenting Institute

Contains advice, ideas and support for today's busy parent.

The Center for Effective Parenting attempts to positively impact children through a focus on improving parenting skills. The Center focuses its efforts in the areas of service, training, and research. By focusing efforts in these three areas the Center strives to have a significant impact not only on parents and children in Arkansas but also on parents and children across the nation.

Informs you of matters that influence your child. Gives the latest information on children's issues.

The American Academy of Pediatrics is an organization of 57,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety and well being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults. Following the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the Academy established a national Task Force on Terrorism. Comprised of pediatric experts in such fields as infectious diseases, emergency medicine, disaster planning, and mental health. This Web site represents one step in the Task Force's efforts to ensure that all providers, parents, caregivers, policymakers and communities have the information they need when they need it.

Provides tips for parents on how to choose a summer camp, from the Federal Consumer Information Center.

Article from Kidshealth for parents on connecting with children as they approach the teen years.

Promoting Your Child's Creativity - Here's how you can have an impact in keeping your child's glow of creativity alive.

The Bed-Wetting Report

Contains a reference for handling over 117 misbehaviors at school & home.

Contains parent tested guidelines for disciplining teens with love and common sense, from the National Parenting Center.

Dr. Phil on many different parenting issues.

Provides information for parents on effective punishments for teens, from the National Parenting Center.

Provides busy, caring adults with a means to encourage learning and enrich relationships with their children. Through this site, we aspire to promote and foster interactive learning experiences; enhance and strengthen family connections; build core values that are essential for success in life. We intend to accomplish our mission by delivering quality ideas and activities to help families plan their time together and links to appropriate resources.

Information on National Security Emergencies and Terrorism.

4 Troubled Teens focuses on the special needs of parents who are struggling with an adolescent, particularly those parents who have teenagers who are at high risk for behavioral, emotional, and academic problems that can affect their ability to succeed in school.

Informational article from Kidshealth for parents to help kids cope with stress.

Informational article from Kidshealth for parents to help their child deal with death.

Informational article from Kidshealth for parents to help their child through divorce.

Contains online brochures which provide helpful guidance for talking about death with children and teenagers.

Provides helpful ideas and discussion tips for parents on talking to adolescents about alcohol.

Contains 10 tips for talking with kids about tough issues. From Talking With Kids About Tough Issues, a national campaign by Children Now and the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Parent Soup Parent Soup This site is for parents, teachers and counselors. Parent Soup contains a wealth of health information on a variety of topics such as bullying, teasing, stress, and safety.

Index for articles focusing on parenting tips, advice from child care to discipline. Includes articles on foster parenting, baby sitting and general parenting topics. ... Parenting. Child care, General Parenting. advertisement. Parenting Articles. Child Care. General Parenting ... at the ways in which parenting styles, family functioning, and parent-child .

Learn which CD-ROMs and videos are quality for your children. The Coalition for Quality Children's Media (CQCM) runs this site.

The National Fatherhood Initiative (NFI) seeks to confront the problem of father absence and improve the well-being of children by increasing the proportion of children growing up with involved, responsible and committed fathers. They provide public awareness campaigns, research, and other resources, and develop leaders of national, state, and community fatherhood initiatives through curricula, trainings and technical assistance

Contains many parenting tips from baby care to family activities to nutrition to travel.

This site offers many different types of situations that you may face as a parent.

Contains tips for parents on how to prepare for the difficult years when dealing with children, from the National Parenting Center.

Informational article for parents of steps they can take to make the entire process of moving less stressful for everyone.

Contains 12 questions for parents to ask before their troubled teen is hospitalized. From the National Parenting Information Center.

Tells you how to filter out bad language, sex, nudity, and violent material using your browser and going to a site that is rated by RSACI. Step by step instructions of how to fix your browser, then all the sites with the RSACI icon are safe for your teenager or child to go to.

Contains 28 safety tips from Parent Tips.

Contains signs of teenage depression, and are most significant when they occur in combination and over a period lasting more than two weeks. From the National Parenting Information Center.

Contains the top five social networking tips for parents, from

In this final section, strategies are offered for involving certain kinds of parents who are often ignored or served poorly. Parents with limited English skills are increasingly common in many localities, and various tips on how schools have assisted them are provided. Single and working parents are found everywhere, and schools can use the practices suggested here to be sensitive to their circumstances. Fathers are also key family members, and their involvement with children's education is much needed. The last set of strategies shows different ways that schools and educators can reach out to them.

Providing your family with resources, encouragement, games, chore tools, and fresh ideas that inspire and motivate you to set and reach goals.

Free bilingual kits to help military families cope with feelings, challenges, and concerns experienced during various phases of deployment: pre-deployment, deployment and homecoming. The kits include a sesame street dvd, a parent/caregiver magazine, and children's activity poster.

Article for parents on how to talk to teens so they will listen, from the National Parenting Information Center.

Advice for talking to your kids about alcohol and drugs. From Talking With Kids About Tough Issues, a national campaign by Children Now and the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Advice for talking to your kids about HIV & AIDS. From Talking With Kids About Tough Issues, a national campaign by Children Now and the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Advice for talking to your kids about sex and relationships. From Talking With Kids About Tough Issues, a national campaign by Children Now and the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Advice for talking to your kids about violence. From Talking With Kids About Tough Issues, a national campaign by Children Now and the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Lets you know which movies have violence, profanity, or sexually explicit content. Reviews and ratings given for the latest movies.

Contains resources, checklists and help for parents from the U.S. Department of Education

Contains tips for parents for dealing with the turbulent times of adolescence that can mean trouble at school, either academically or socially. From the National Parenting Center.

Provides tips on how to deal with a teen who is accident prone, from The National Parenting Center.

ZERO TO THREE's mission is to support the healthy development and well-being of infants, toddlers and their families.


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