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Barrasso Op-Ed: Obama Needs to Provide Answers in U.N. Speech

Obama needs to provide answers in U.N. speech By: Sen. John Barrasso Politico September 23, 2012 On Tuesday, President Obama will address the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York. Given the tragic and infuriating events of the last two weeks, the American people will pay close attention to the president’s remarks. They deserve to hear at least three specific messages from their commander in chief. First, the president must acknowledge that the war against terrorism isn’t over. Terrorists – not crude and ignorant videos — are the real enemy of Americans and people around the world who support freedom. It is completely unacceptable that the Obama administration spent more than a week stonewalling on whether the September 11th attack in Libya was planned. Our ambassador and three other brave Americans were murdered by terrorists. They were not the victims of a spontaneous attack against an offensive video on the internet. As the organize... Read More