U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center, Europe
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About Us


Deputy Commander for Support

Manages administrative services required to fulfill USAMMCE's mission.

Information Management Division (IMD)Information Management Division
acts for the Commander on all matter relating to automation, telecommunication, record management, printing, publication and visual information.
Resource Management Division (RMD)Resource Management Division
serves as the Commander's principal staff advisor on resource utilization, manpower, productivity, organization and functions.
Security, Personnel & Training Division (SPTD)HHD
Organizes Overseas Deployment Training (ODT) several times a year.
Logistics Division (LD)Logistics Division
plans and coordinates supply, equipment and repair of facilities for the center.

Deputy Commander for Operations

Provides Theater level Class VIII supply support to deployed and peacetime customers.

Materiel Management Division (MMD)Materiel Management Division
provides item management of medical assets and maintains automated logistics systems.
Humanitarian Assistance Program (HAP)Humanitarian Assistance Program
plans, coordinates and executes all Operation Provide Hope Missions, providing medical equipment, furniture, supplies, and training to the states of the former Soviet Union.
Optical Activities Division (OAD)Optical Activities Division
performs all activities related to the production of optical devices.
Customer Support Division (CSD)Customer Support Division
provides tri-service and customer coordination and training, processes high priority actions and markets USAMMCE capabilities.
Clinical Engineering Division (CED)Clinical Engineering Division
performs all activities related to the repair, calibration, modification and overhaul of  medical equipment.
Joint, Plans & Programs Division (JPPD)Joint Plans and Programs Division (JPPD)
performs all activities related to the assembly, reconstitution, disassembly management of medical assemblages and MNCDM.
Clinical Advisory Division (CAD)Clinical Advisory Division
advises the Commander on all clinical matters and quality control directives, provides management of product identification and cold chain management.
Distribution & Transportation Division (DTD)Distribution & Transportation Division
receives, inspects, stores, packs and ships all medical materiel.
Picture Place Holder for SPOSupport Operations (SPO)
advises the commander and staff on operational, planning and military training matters.
Picture Place Holder for BSOBusiness Support Office (BSO)

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This Web site provides an introduction to the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center, Europe (USAMMCE) and contains official Government information. Its use is intended for members of the general public, news media and Army Medical Department beneficiaries. Please address questions or concerns about this website to the Public Affairs Office via email or by telephone at (314) 495-6426