Chairman Dave Camp

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Chairmen Camp and Baucus Announce Joint Hearing on Tax Reform and the Tax Treatment of Capital Gains
Sep 20, 2012 | 10:00 AM - Focus Of The Hearing: The hearing will focus on the taxation of capital gains in the context of comprehensive tax reform. It will explore several tax reform policy issues relating to the treatment of capital gains, including background on capital gains taxation and its history, the impact of the cap... More

Brady Announces Hearing on the Benefits of Expanding U.S. Services Trade Through an International Services Agreement
Sep 20, 2012 | 2:00 PM - Focus Of The Hearing: The focus of the hearing is on the benefits of expanding U.S. services trade, including by negotiating an international services agreement. The hearing will address the importance of services exports as a source of well-paying U.S. jobs and economic growth. In addition, the hea... More

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