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In Visit to Delco Mushroom Farm, Meehan Receives Friend of Farm Bureau Award

Boothwyn, PA – Today during a visit to Joseph Silvestri & Son Mushroom Farm located in Boothwyn, Rep. Patrick Meehan (PA-07) was recognized for his outstanding record in the 112th Congress of supporting policies that help local farmers and increase demand for U.S. farm products. Meehan was presented with the “Friend of the Farm Bureau” award from the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau (PFB). Joe and Donna Fecondo, owners of Silvestri Mushroom Farm, presented Meehan with the award on behalf of the PFB.

“Pennsylvania’s farms are vital to our economy, and it is important that we support policies to help our local farmers and the agriculture industry across the Commonwealth,” said Meehan. “Today’s visit to the Silvestri Mushroom Farm is a great example of a family-owned farm that needs Congress to understand the challenges facing local agriculture and family operations in Pennsylvania and across the country. I appreciate the Farm Bureau for this recognition and look forward to working with them on behalf of Pennsylvania farmers.”

“On behalf of our more than 55,000 farm and rural member families, the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau would like to thank Congressman Meehan for his support of agriculture and our rural way of life,” said PFB President Carl T. Shaffer.

Silvestri & Son Mushroom Farm is the only mushroom farm located in Delaware County and has been in business for over 85 years. During the visit, Meehan learned more about Silvestri’s mushroom growing and composting operations.

The Friend of Farm Bureau award is given each session of Congress to Senators and Representatives who are nominated by their respective state Farm Bureau and approved by the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Board of Directors.


Rep. Meehan is presented with the "Friend of the Farm Bureau" award from Joe Fecondo, owner of Silvestri Mushroom Farm. Fecondo presented the award on behalf of the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau.
